Adult Day Services
What are Adult Day Services?
Adult Day Care is a supervised program in a community group setting offered during the day to individuals with cognitive and/or physical impairments to promote social, physical and emotional well-being. These programs offer a variety of activities to meet the needs and interests of each older adult.
Adult Day Health Care is a supervised program in a community group setting offered during the day to individuals with cognitive and/or physical impairments that require health monitoring to promote social, physical and emotional well-being. These programs offer a variety of activities to meet the needs and interests of each older adult.
Who qualifies for Adult Day Services?
For Adult Day Care, it is individuals who are 60 years of age or older that meet the definition of “frail” and a) are unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial assistance or b) due to a cognitive or other mental impairment require substantial supervision for their safety and others.
For Adult Day Health Care, it is individuals who are 60 years of age or older that meet the definition of “frail” and a) are unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial assistance or b) due to a cognitive or other mental impairment require substantial supervision for their safety and others. Additionally, one of the following is required during attendance at the program: monitoring of a medical condition or administration of medication, special feeding, or the provision of other treatment of services related to health care needs.
How do I access the service?
Adult Day Care is offered by local service providers. Click on the links below to find a program in your area.
Adult Day Care Provider Directory
Important Considerations
Adult Day Care would not be appropriate for people who are independent and can manage their own care needs.
Adult Day Health Care would not be appropriate for people who are independent and can manage their own care and medical needs.
A medical examination is required for admission into a program.
These programs may be housed in the same shared space.
How do I get more information about Adult Day Services?
For more information email the NC Division of Aging Adult Day Services Program Consultant
Providers that receive certain funding may have additional certification requirements. Certification is required for Adult Day Services providers regardless of funding.
North Carolina Adult Day Care/Day Health Services Standards for Certification
If you have questions about adult day services contact:
The local department of social services
The area agency on aging
Glenda Artis or Terrie Deal at the Division of Aging
For information about opening an Adult Day Care or building, renovating, leasing or buying a building where your organization would like to provide Adult Day Care please contact Glenda Artis.
Fact Sheets
Criminal Background Check
ADC Information Request Packet
Recertification Checklist