Division Contacts
Office of the Secretary | Dr. Devdutta Sangvai | 919-855-4800 | 919-715-4645 |
Division of Aging | Joyce Massey-Smith | 919-855-3400 | 919-733-0443 |
Blind, Services for the | Cynthia Speight | 919-527-6700 | 919-733-9769 |
Budget and Analysis | Stephanie Olson | 919-855-3060 | |
Child and Family Well-Being | Yvonne Copeland | 919-508-7651 | 919-870-4880 |
Child Development and Early Education | Candace Witherspoon | 919-814-6300 | 919-715-0968 |
Controller | Laketha Miller | 919-855-3700 | 919-733-2604 |
Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities | Kathie B. Smith | 919-855-3500 | 919-733-7968 |
Employment Services | Chris Egan | 919-855-3539 | 919-733-7968 |
Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tony Davis | 919-527-6930 | 919-715-0926 |
Economic Opportunity | Marionna Poke-Stewart | 919-527-6250 | 919-715-0168 |
Environmental Health | Larry Michael | 919-707-5854 | 919-845-3972 |
General Counsel | Julie Cronin | 919-855-4890 | 919-733-3854 |
Health Service Regulation | Mark Payne | 919-855-3750 | 919-733-2757 |
Human Resources | Barbara Williams | 919-855-4900 | 919-733-6087 |
Information Technology | Vijay Ramanujam | 919-855-3003 | 919-733-8871 |
Internal Audit | Jeff Grimes | 919-527-6840 | 919-715-3848 |
Medicaid | Jay Ludlam | 919-855-4100 | 919-733-6608 |
Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services | Kelly Crosbie | 984-236-5000 | 919-508-0951 |
Office of Communications | Heather Strickland | 919-855-4840 | 919-733-7447 |
Office of Government Affairs | Janssen White | 919-855-4834 | 919-715-4645 |
Privacy and Security Office | Pyreddy Reddy | 919-855-3000 | 919-733-1524 |
Procurement and Contract Services | Donna Blyskal | 919-855-4080 | 919-733-5957 |
Property and Construction | Luke Hoff | 919-855-4870 | 919-733-5711 |
Public Health | Dr. Kelly Kimple | 919-707-5000 | 919-733-0492 |
Rural Health | Maggie Sauer | 919-527-6440 | 919-733-8300 |
Social Services | Susan Osborne | 919-527-6335 | 919-334-1018 |
State Center for Health Statistics | Clarlynda Williams-Devane | 919-733-4728 | 919-733-8485 |
State Operated Healthcare Facilities | Karen Burkes | 919-855-4700 | 919-508-0955 |
Vital Records | Terra Ankrah | 919-733-3000 | 919-733-1511 |