
State Operated Healthcare Facilities Helene Status Updates


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers

The NC Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities oversees two Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. Visit the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment Center web page for more information about Julian F. Keith ADATC and Walter B. Jones ADATC.  Visit the Price Transparency page to view our standard charges.

State Developmental Centers

The NC Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities oversees three developmental centers. Visit the State Developmental Centers page for more information about Caswell Developmental Center, J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center and Murdoch Developmental Center.

Eligible individuals admitted to the State Developmental Centers are enrolled in the school programs provided at the center. Visit the DSOHF Schools page to learn more about the DSOHF education programs.

Neuro-Medical Treatment Centers

The NC Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities oversees three state operated Neuro-Medical Treatment Centers. Visit the Neuro-Medical Treatment Centers web page for more information about Black Mountain NTC, O'Berry NTC and Longleaf NTC. 

State Psychiatric Hospitals

The NC Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities oversees three state operated Neuro-Medical Treatment Centers. Visit the State Psychiatric Hospitals web page for more information about Broughton Hospital, Central Regional Hospital, and Cherry Hospital. Visit the Price Transparency page to view our standard charges.

Eligible individuals admitted to the State Psychiatric Hospitals are enrolled in the school programs provided at the hospital. Visit the DSOHF Schools page to learn more about the DSOHF education programs.

Residential Programs for Children

Wright and Whitaker are residential schools for children and adolescents who have severe emotional and behavioral needs. Both schools employ a re-education model which prepares the child or adolescent to successfully return to his community. These schools serve the entire state. Visit the DSOHF Schools page to learn more about the DSOHF education programs.

Whitaker Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
1003 12th Street Butner, N.C. 27509
Phone: 919-575-7927
Fax: 919-575-7895

Wright School
3132 North Roxboro Street Durham, N.C. 27704
Phone: 919-560-5790
Fax: 919-560-5795
Email: wrightschoolinfo@dhhs.nc.gov

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