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Governor Roy Cooper honored rehabilitation counselors for their work with people with disabilities in a proclamation that sets March 22 as Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation Day in North Carolina, and the NC Department of Health and Human Services is celebrating them too.

Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed March 2018 as "Intellectual and Developmental Disability Awareness Month," and in doing so commends North Carolinians living with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, as well as the organizations and agencies that work with them.

The NC Department of Health and Human Services agency that promotes independence and dignity for North Carolina’s older citizens, recently recognized the extraordinary works of an individual, a local government agency and a stakeholder’s group for their ongoing work to meet the needs of North Carolina’s older citizens. 

A renowned researcher on early childhood encouraged North Carolina advocates to go beyond traditional thinking to improve the health, safety and well-being of the state's children.

North Carolina has a long history of leading in early education. But panelists participating in the final session of the North Carolina Early Childhood Summit said we must do more to change early learning outcomes for all young children across the state—especially children of color.

Governor Roy Cooper, former Governor Jim Hunt, NCDHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, and other top leaders in early childhood came together to launch a detailed framework to galvanize coordinated, statewide public and private action to improve health, safety, family resilience and early learning outcomes for young children. 

Better supporting women before and after they give birth can help improve the health of babies in North Carolina. That was the focus of the first of three panel discussions at the North Carolina Early Childhood Summit on Feb. 27, as part of the launch of the North Carolina Early Childhood Action Plan.

Strong, positive relationships with caring adults can pave the way for a child's success in school and life. The importance of those connections were discussed by a panel at the North Carolina Early Childhood Action Plan Summit held in Raleigh on Feb. 27.

The Office of Minority Health hosted a Child Health Equity Chat and Chew panel to discuss issues surrounding equity and health among young children on Thursday, Feb. 21, in the Adams Building on Raleigh’s Dix Campus. 

A state project that helps Medicaid-eligible North Carolinians who live in inpatient facilities move into their own homes and communities with supports has been extended through Sept. 30, 2021.