Office of Economic Opportunity
The Office of Economic Opportunity helps low-income individuals and families at or below 200% of the federal poverty level achieve self-sufficiency. We work to improve the social and economic wellbeing of individuals, families and communities across North Carolina.
Our agencies help individuals find jobs, locate housing, obtain shelter, have food, obtain access to health care and take care of children. We help low-income individuals and families become self-sufficient through the provision of financial resources to Community Action Agencies, and Limited Purposes Agencies, for programs that will substantially reduce the number of citizens in our state who are living in poverty.
The Office of Economic Opportunity, formerly known as the State Economic Opportunity Office, was established in 1966 to provide training and technical assistance to Community Action Agencies. In 1981 the Office was assigned the responsibility of administering the federal Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG).
To apply for assistance, contact your local Community Action Agency.
Contact Us
Director: Marionna C. Poke-Stewart
Location: 820 S. Boylan Avenue,
Dorothea Dix Campus, McBryde Building
Raleigh, NC 27603
Mailing address: 2420 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2420
Telephone: 919-527-6250
Fax number: 919-715-0168