DHHS Shoutouts: Dec. 16, 2019

OEMS Chief Mitchell Honored by Rescue and EMS Association; Gilliam Receives Leadership Award from Benchmarks; Tomlinson Elected Section Councilor for APHA's Oral Health Section; Emma Sandoe Featured as Co-author in Health Affairs; IDD Team Member Angelia Lightfoot Builds Partnerships.

Tom MitchellOEMS Chief Mitchell Honored by Rescue and EMS Association
Tom Mitchell, Chief of the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services within DHHS’ Division of Health Service Regulation, recently received a lifetime membership in the NC Association of Rescue and EMS.

The honor was presented during the association’s annual meeting on Nov. 22. Mitchell has been with the Office of EMS for 14 years and has been actively involved in EMS in North Carolina for 34 years having served in various roles from field operations to director.

“My passion has always been to help people in their time of need, and EMS has allowed me to fulfill that goal. This award is extremely special to me because it was presented to me by an organization that shares that same passion,” Mitchell said.

Commander Terry Fox presented the certificate citing Mitchell for having “a distinguished career in EMS” and for having “always worked diligently to keep the interests of the citizens of the state as well as the providers in mind while working with the Office of EMS as he has moved through the ranks over his career.”

Stephanie GilliamGilliam Receives Leadership Award from Benchmarks
Stephanie Gilliam, Chief of the Mental Health Licensure and Certification Section of DHHS’ Division of Health Service Regulation since 2004, recently received the State Leadership Award from Benchmarks.

Karen McLeod, president and chief executive officer of the Raleigh-based Alliance of Agencies Helping Children, Adults and Families, presented the award at the organization’s annual meeting Nov. 13 in Greensboro, citing Gilliam for her “outstanding support and commitment to children, adults and families in North Carolina.”

Gilliam supervises the section responsible for licensing and regulating more than 3,400 mental health, substance abuse, intellectual disability and developmental disability facilities in North Carolina serving the needs of more than 15,600 people.



Dr. Sarah TomlinsonTomlinson Elected Section Councilor for APHA’s Oral Health Section
Dr. Sarah Tomlinson, the State Dental Director and the Oral Health Section Chief at DHHS’ Division of Public Health, has been elected the Section Councilor for the Oral Health Section of the American Public Health Association.

She will serve a two-year term and will lead the section’s communication efforts. Included in her duties will be addressing policy statements to articulate APHA’s position on public health issues that may impact legislation and regulation.




Emma SandoeEmma Sandoe Featured as Co-author in Health Affairs
Medicaid's Emma Sandoe, associate director of strategy and planning, was recently featured as co-author of an article entitled, "Toward Continuous Evidence-Based Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Lessons from North Carolina," published online in Health Affairs.

The article highlights the North Carolina Opioid Action Plan and points to current strategies to respond to the opioid epidemic as well as continued opportunities to increase patient retention in evidence-based treatment with crucial care and social supports. It focuses on a recent study based on a summary of NC Medicaid opioid-related data that has been analyzed by researchers at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Health Affairs is a leading journal of health policy thought and research, exploring health policy issues of current concern in domestic and international spheres.



Angelia LightfootIDD Team Member Angelia Lightfoot Builds Partnerships
Angelia Lightfoot, an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Consultant with the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services, is being recognized for growing the Division’s partnership with NC Integrated Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Alliance.

Lightfoot specializes in employment, post-secondary education and assistive technology. She is spearheading the NC IPSE Alliance effort to increase inclusive IPSE visibility across the state. I/DD and TBI Section Chief Mya Lewis says, “We are able to truly partner to improve and make changes and not just attend a meeting” because of Lightfoot’s work and the relationships built.

We’re looking for DHHS people and partners to give “shoutouts” to. Know of someone who deserves a shoutout? Reach out to your Division’s Communications Manager or email news@dhhs.nc.gov.

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