More Than 61,000 Services Delivered as Healthy Opportunities Pilots Reach 1 Year Anniversary

More than 61,000 services have been delivered to over 8,500 NC Medicaid members across 33 counties as part of the Healthy Opportunities Pilot (NC HOP) since the program began in March 2022.

More than 61,000 services have been delivered to over 8,500 NC Medicaid members across 33 counties as part of the Healthy Opportunities Pilots (NC HOP) since the program began in March 2022.

NC HOP is an innovative program that has been described by one beneficiary as a “game changer” for thousands of North Carolina families. The program addresses non-medical drivers of health and covers the cost of 29 services, which address beneficiaries’ food, housing, transportation and interpersonal violence/toxic stress needs.

Throughout the year, NCDHHS has received numerous success stories from North Carolina communities. A great example when a new mother was unable to breastfeed her newborn child and couldn't find the special formula her baby needed close by. The mother had to travel multiple counties away to try to find it, and she was often unsuccessful. After enrolling in the Healthy Opportunities Pilot, she began receiving a weekly supply of specialized formula through the Children and Family Resource Center in Hendersonville. “NC HOP has taken away so much stress,” the mother shared. 

On average, each Pilot member has received more than 12 services, with food services making up the majority. With housing and transportation services increasing, the number of Medicaid members receiving Pilot services continues to rise quickly and increased over 195% between January and May 2023. 

With the Pilot program now underway, NCDHHS is focused on continually improving the program throughout all Pilot regions. One area of focus, since the launch, has been to increase awareness of and access to Pilot services. 

In partnership with Pilot entities, NCDHHS is implementing several coordinated strategies to grow Pilot enrollment and referrals to ensure eligible North Carolinians receive services that can improve their health. Strategies include direct member outreach and streamlining the enrollment and referral process made by health plans, network leads, and human services organizations to likely-eligible members. 

NC HOP services are available to qualifying NC Medicaid Managed Care Standard Plan beneficiaries who live in a Pilot region and have at least one qualifying physical or behavioral health condition and one qualifying social risk factor. 

To learn more about the Healthy Opportunities Pilots and how the program is benefiting Medicaid members in North Carolina, visit the Healthy Opportunities Pilots at Work website or see the Healthy Opportunities Frequently Asked Questions.

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