Councils, Committees and Advisory Groups

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Councils Division of MH/DD/SAS Councils and Committees This page houses the Councils and Committees operating with the NCDHHS Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services (MH/DD/SUS). These include the Commission for MH/DD/SUS, the Mental Health Planning Council, the Mental Health Advisory Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Customer Services and Community Rights Team, the Local Consumer and Family Advisory Committees, the State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee, the Community Engagement and Empowerment Team, the DHHS Waiver Advisory Committee, and the DHHS I/DD Stakeholder Workgroup. Behavioral Health NC DHHS: Councils and Commissions
Councils EMS Advisory Council The North Carolina EMS Advisory Council acts as an advisory body to the Office of Emergency Medical Services to evaluate current state laws, administrative rules, and policies regarding EMS in NC. They also make recommendations to the Office of EMS as to changes that might be made to provide the best emergency health care possible to the residents and visitors of North Carolina. Emergency Health Response EMS Advisory Council - NCOEMS
Councils Minority Health Advisory Council The 15-member Council (consisting of legislators, community leaders, and health and human services professionals from across the state) has the following duties and responsibilities in service of racial/ethnic minority communities: (1) Advise and make recommendations to the Governor and Secretary of Health and Human Services; (2) Identify limitations associated with existing laws, regulations, programs, and services; (3) Examine the financing of and access to health services; (4) Identify and review health promotion and disease prevention strategies; (5) Support policies and legislation to improve accessibility and delivery of health services. The meetings are open to the public. Health Equity, Policy, Community and Partner Engagements, Community and Clinical Linkages NC Minority Health Advisory Council | NCDHHS
Councils NC Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing This council was established to advise NCDHHS and the Department of Public Instruction on matters pertaining to services provided to deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families. All meetings are open to the public. Health Equity and Language Access NC DHHS: Councils and Commissions
Councils NC Council on Developmental Disabilities This council works collaboratively, across NC, to assure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and inclusion in all areas of community life. The Council identifies problems facing its community through its five-year planning process and funds innovative projects and initiatives that promote the goals of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) for all North Carolinians. Behavioral Health NCCDD - North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities Homepage
Councils NC Council on Sickle Cell Syndrome Advises the Department of Health and Human Services and the Commission for Health Services on the needs of persons with sickle cell syndrome and make recommendations to met those needs. Other
Councils NC Interagency Council for Coordinating Homelessness Programs This Council is an advisory group created to advise the Governor and the Secretary of the NCDHHS on issues affecting persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Council is currently housed within the Division of Aging and Adult Services and is charged with providing recommendations for joint and cooperative efforts to better meet the needs of residents experiencing homelessness in North Carolina. Behavioral Health, Crisis Services NC Interagency Council for Coordinating Homelessness Programs
Councils NC State Health Improvement Plan (NCSHIP) Community Council The Purpose of the NCSHIP Community Council is to prioritize policies/programs and advance actions of Healthy North Carolina (HNC) 2030 population indicators. Work groups across the Community Council align with existing plans where applicable. Public/Population Health NC State Health Improvement Plan (NCSHIP) Community Council
Councils North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP) Grant Advisory Council (GAC) NCATP leads North Carolina's efforts to carry out the federal 21st Century Assistive Technology Act by providing device demonstration, short-term device loans, and reutilization of assistive technology. We promote independence for people with disabilities through access to technology. The Council is made up of individuals and agencies across the state who provide feedback and guidance to the Assistive Technology Act Program. Strong & Inclusive Workforce NCDHHS Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Councils North Carolina Council of the Blind This Council has been in existence for 51 years to collaborate with supporters of the blind community and address issues for blind employees to be treated equally and fairly in the workforce as would any other productive citizen. Stakeholder Input North Carolina Council of the Blind
Councils State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Meetings & Public Forums The NC State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) works with the NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) to increase opportunities for competitive integrated employment and community inclusion for North Carolinians with disabilities. Strong & Inclusive Workforce Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Councils | NCDHHS
Committees 988 Coalition This is a collaborative meeting that includes the NC 988 Call Center, crisis providers, and community stakeholders/advocates. Discussions focus on 988 updates and coordination as well as plans for new investments and pilot projects. Behavioral Health, Crisis Services
Committees Brain Injury Advisory Committee (BAIC) The BAIC promotes interagency coordination, studies the needs of individuals with TBI, and makes recommendations to the Governor, General Assembly, and DHHS Secretary regarding the planning, development, funding, and implementation of a statewide service delivery system for TBI. Behavioral Health
Committees EMS Disciplinary Committee This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Department regarding all disciplinary matters related to credentialing of emergency medical services personnel. Other EMS Disciplinary Committee
Committees Food Safety Advisory Committee (FSAC) Food Safety Advisory Committee (FSAC), serves as a collaborative partner to aid the food industry in comprehending laws, regulations, and their underlying rationale. FSAC includes state and local regulators, academia, and industry food experts who meet quarterly to share updates, engage in topic discussion and work together to keep our food supply safe in North Carolina. The primary objective of the committee is to foster collaboration, engagement, and comprehension between State government and the food industry. Other
Committees HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Advisory Committee (HPCAC) The purpose of the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Advisory Committee is to provide advice, support and communication regarding HIV/STD prevention, care and housing issues to the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Unit and the community at large. HPCAC is made up of 33 members representing each of the Regional Networks of Care and Prevention and four at large members. All members serve two-year terms. Other NC HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Advisory Committee (HPCAC)
Committees Human Rights Committee Each State Operated Healthcare Facility has a Human Rights Committee that works to protect the rights of people being served by the facility. Behavioral Health State Operated Healthcare Facilities - Patient's/Resident's Rights
Committees Maternal Mortality Review Committee The MMRC, whose goal is to reduce maternal mortality in the state by conducting multidisciplinary material deaths, reviews and develops recommendations for the prevention of future maternal deaths. Child and Family Well-Being NC Maternal Mortality Review Report
Committees NC AgrAbility Partnership/Leadership Committee NC AgrAbility assists farmers or farmworkers struggling mentally or physically to remain in, or Veterans entering into, production agriculture in all 100 North Carolina counties and on tribal lands. Strong & Inclusive Workforce NC AgrAbility - Agricultural Resources for Farmers
Committees NC Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Advisory Committee This group aims to empower communities by providing data and context to inform data driven policies, funding, and solutions to build a healthier and more equitable environment for all North Carolinians. This is done by providing a central hub of environmental health (EH) and climate data to the public, monitoring EH and climate indicators over time, map resources to strengthen community resilience, examine community characteristics and vulnerabilities, report findings, collaborate with community, government, and research partners, and tell NC-specific stories to promote environmental and climate justice through data visualization. Health Equity
Committees NC Whole Child Health Advisory Committee State agencies and partners coordinate so that all children thrive in a nurturing environment and have the resources and supports they need, provided the way they need them, and when they need them. This group identifies and reviews the challenges of at-risk school-aged populations such as poverty, safety, health, and other nonacademic barriers. This group makes recommendations to the State Board of Education, other state agencies, and education stakeholder groups as to how best facilitate access for all public-school children to receive the opportunity for a sound basic education. Child and Family Well-Being, Behavioral Health
Committees Newborn Screening Advisory Committee The NC Newborn Screening Advisory Committee was created for the purpose of collaborating with partners in North Carolina’s NBS Program to enhance and develop the newborn screening service. Child and Family Well-Being
Committees North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force The NC CFTF is a legislative study commission that examines the causes of child death and makes recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly on how to prevent child death, prevent abuse and neglect, and support the safety and well-being of children. Child and Family Well-Being Child Fatality Task Force (
Committees Primary Care Advisory Committee (NCCHCA, LDH, Free and Charitable Clinics, Rural Health Clinics, NCHA Rural Hospitals, NC School-Based Health Centers) The Primary Care Advisory Committee develops an objective and equitable process for grading applications for grants funded under the Community Health Grant Program and development of a standardized method for grant recipients to report objectives and measurable quality health outcomes. Health Equity
Committees Tuberculosis (TB) Medical Advisory Committee This group provides input for state TB Control program policy development. Advisory committee members include healthcare professionals from local health departments, medical centers, teaching institutions, clinics and Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) from across the state, as well as physicians with a special interest in tuberculosis. Other NC Tuberculosis Control Program
Advisory Groups AHM Technical Advisory Group In order to advise and inform NC Medicaid on key aspects of the design and evolution of the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program, Medicaid established a Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The AMH TAG has 15 members, including members of all the Standard Plan Prepaid Health Plans (PHPs) and a diversity of providers participating in the AMH program. Policy Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Technical Advisory Group
Advisory Groups Governor’s Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs By Executive Order No. 235, The Advisory Council shall advise the Governor on issues related to the Hispanic/Latino community in North Carolina and support the State efforts to promote cooperation and understanding between the Hispanic/Latino community, the general public, the state, federal, and local governments. The Advisory Council shall provide a forum for the discussion of issues concerning the Hispanic/Latino community in NC and support efforts toward the improvement of race and ethnic relations. Health Equity, Policy Board Details (
Advisory Groups Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) Program Advisory Group Stakeholders from government, healthcare institutions, infection prevention organizations, healthcare quality organizations, and the public direct the establishment of a plan for prevention of HAIs and serve as consultants to DPH in the implementation of HAI activities, including surveillance, reporting, education, and outbreak response. Other HAI Prevention in NC
Advisory Groups Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force The Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force was established in 1995 to provide statewide leadership for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. Public/Population Health Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Advisory Groups Local Health Department (LHD) Accreditation Board This Board provides resources and consulting to ensure that all of North Carolina’s local health departments meet and exceed the state’s accreditation guidelines. Three delegates from DPH serve on the Advisory Board. Public/Population Health North Carolina Local Health Department Accreditation Program (NCLHDA) - NC Local Health Department Accreditation (
Advisory Groups Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) The Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) advises about health and medical care services that may be covered by NC's Medicaid programs. The MCAC advises the state about issues such as revisions to existing policies, policy development and methods of assessing the quality of care for NC Medicaid. Note: The MCAC is advisory and does not set policy. The meeting is open to the public. Medicaid Policy, Administration Medical Care Advisory Committee
Advisory Groups NC Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Board The NC Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act allows people with disabilities to save money in a special 529A account for qualified disability expenses, similar to the tax-deferred accounts used by families to save for their children’s college educations.  DHHS Staff serve as members of the NC ABLE Board of Trustees.  Behavioral Health NC ABLE Program Board of Trustees | NC Treasurer
Advisory Groups NC Nurses Association DPH consults with the NCNA a leading professional organization for NC's registered nurses to address opportunities to ensure nurses thrive in an ever-changing healthcare environment; and to discuss practice, policy and other shared issues of concern. Other NC Nurses Association
Advisory Groups NC Task Force for Safer Schools The Center for Safer Schools Task Force was established in September 2013, by Executive Order 25, tasked to serve as an advisory body to the Center. The Task Force is comprised of appointed stakeholders to include parents, students, teachers, school administrators, law enforcement, juvenile justice professionals and mental health professionals. The Task Force is divided into working groups to include School Climate and Discipline, Mental Health, Substance Use, Physical Security and Emergency Preparedness, School Resource Officers, and Gang Intervention. Child and Family Well-Being /NC Task Force for Safer Schools | NC DPI
Advisory Groups North Carolina Association of County Departments of Social Services (NCACDSS) Provides information to and consults with DHHS on issues that impact all 100 NC counties. The Association collaborates with DHHS to improve and strengthen the capacity and delivery of effective services. DHHS engages with county DSS directors, other DSS leaders and association leadership through 100 county calls, regional and statewide meetings. These are administrative meetings. Medicaid Expansion County Operations NCACDSS - NC Association of County Departments of Social Services
Advisory Groups Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Group, Vocational Rehabilitation Services The purpose of the Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Group (SEAG) is to provide an informed, engaged forum for stakeholders to provide guidance, build consensus, and support the implementation of North Carolina’s Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment grant award. Child and Family Well-Being Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Group | NCDHHS
Advisory Groups State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee (SCFAC) The State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee (SCFAC) is for people with lived experience to advise the Department and the General Assembly on the planning and management of the State's public system for mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, substance use disorder, and traumatic brain injury services. These meetings are open to the public. Behavioral Health (people with lived experience) State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee | NCDHHS
Advisory Groups Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group The Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group (TAG) advises and informs the Department on key aspects of the design, implementation, and evolution of Tailored Care Management. The TAG is the primary venue for dialogue among providers, Tailored Plans, consumers/ families/guardians, the Department, and other key stakeholders for evolution of the Tailored Care Management program. Tailored Care Management Tailored Care Management Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
Advisory Groups The North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control (ACCCC) The North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control (ACCCC) is a legislatively mandated committee comprised of 34 members, including but not limited to representatives from: Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Public Instruction, NC legislature, NC medical schools, Cancer Committee of the NC Medical Society, Old North State Medical Society, NC Hospital Association, NC Association of Local Health Directors Medical Directors of the NC Association of Health Plans, Clinicians, Cancer survivors The ACCCC meets twice a year. Members serve a four-year term. Public/Population Health NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control | Division of Public Health (
Commissions Child Care Commission The NC Child Care Commission is responsible for adopting rules to implement the child care laws established by the NC General Assembly. It is made up of seventeen members, nine appointed by the Governor, four by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and four by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The members include parents, childcare providers, a pediatrician, early childhood education specialists and general citizens. Child Care Commission Members are appointed to serve two-year terms. The Child Care Commission meetings are held quarterly, generally in Raleigh. The Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) implements quality standards for childcare and increases access to families and their children across North Carolina. DCDEE works with the Child Care Commission to support promulgation of childcare licensing rules. DCDEE’s Rulemaking Coordinator position manages and coordinates all activities pertaining to support of the Child Care Commission according to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act in North Carolina General Statute 150B. Child and Family Well-Being Child Care Commission - (
Commissions Commission for Public Health The Commission for Public health is the public health rulemaking body for North Carolina. The Commission is authorized and directed by the NC General Assembly to adopt rules to protect and promote the health of the public and to adopt rules necessary to implement public health programs administered by the Division of Public Health (DPH). DPH staffs the commission. Public/Population Health North Carolina Commission for Public Health
Commissions Commission for the Blind The council serves the Division on Services for the Blind in an advisory capacity to issues relating to services for persons with disabilities, especially independent living programs and services. The council also develops and submits a state plan to monitor, review, and evaluate such issues and programs. There are 19 members on the board, each serving a three-year term. The governor appoints all members. Stakeholder Input Commission for the Blind Board Details (
Commissions Commission on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services (MHDDSUS) The Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (Commission) mission is to promote excellence in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programs for persons with mental illness, developmental disabilities and substance use disorders in North Carolina. The Commission has the authority to adopt, amend and repeal rules to be used in the implementation of state and local mental health, developmental disability and substance use service programs. Commission meetings are open to the public. Behavioral Health NCCDD - North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities Homepage
Commissions NCWorks Commission The NCWorks Commission recommends policies and strategies that enable the state’s workforce and businesses to compete in the global economy. The Commission is designated as the state’s Workforce Development Board under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Led by a private sector chair, the 37-member Commission includes representatives from the business community, heads of state workforce agencies, educators, and community leaders. All members are appointed by the Governor. Strong & Inclusive Workforce NCWorks Commission | NC Commerce
Commissions North Carolina Association of County Commissions (NCACC) CACC provides information to and consults with DHHS on important issues impacting all 100 NC counties. The Association and DHHS' focus is to improve and strengthen the capacity and delivery of effective services, explore joint legislation, funding needs, etc. These are administrative meetings. County Operations; Medicaid Expansion North Carolina Association of County Commissioners: (
Commissions North Carolina Healthcare Association (NCHA) DMH/DD/SUS meets routinely the NCHA, a united voice for hospitals, health systems and care providers to ensure they can offer high quality, lower-cost care to all. The focus of the meetings are to consider system, payment, policy and operational issues which impact hospitals. These are administrative meetings. Other North Carolina Healthcare Association
Commissions North Carolina Medical Care Commission The purpose of the Commission is to adopt, recommend or rescind rules for regulation of most health care facilities. (hospitals, hospices, free standing outpatient surgical facilities, nursing homes, home care agencies, home health agencies, nursing pools, facilities providing mammography/pap smear services, ambulances, and emergency medical services personnel) to administer the Health Care Facilities Finance Act which enables the Commission to issue tax-exempt revenue bonds to finance construction and equipment projects for nonprofit and public hospitals, nursing homes, continuing care facilities for the elderly and facilities related to the foregoing. Other NC Medical Care Commission
Commissions Social Services Commission Staff support for the Social Services Commission is provided by the direction of the Secretary of NCDHHS. The Division of Social Services provides technical, clerical, logistical and other support for the work of the commission. The Attorney General's Office serves as legal counsel to the Social Services Commission. The Social Services Commission is the body that develops administrative rules for the Division of Social Services, part of the NC Department of Health and Human Services. The commission is a statutorily-based body, established by G.S. 143B-153. Child and Family Well-being Social Services Commission | NCDHHS
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