Topics Related to Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services

The Gambling Research & Policy Initiative (GRPI), in collaboration with the NCDHHS Problem Gambling Program, ECU Campus Recreation & Wellness, and Telus Health, invite you to the upcoming NC College Student Gambling Summit at East Carolina University.

Join us to learn about policies and programs that affect the MH/IDD/SU/TBI community. Side by side, we will work together to better understand and improve our system. We will listen closely to one another, and we will share ideas for public policy that will improve lives in NC.

Join Benchmarks' President and CEO, Karen McLeod, along side Jay Ludlam from NC Medicaid and Kelly Crosbie from NC MHDDSUS, as they unpack the latest trends and updates in behavioral health.

Medicaid is the largest payer of opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in the United States, covering an estimated 40% of adults under the age of 65 with OUD, and plays additional roles in supporting recovery services by funding peer recovery coaches and health-related social needs, and prevention

The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Legislative Caucus will be holding a Listening Session on March 26th from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm at the NC General Assembly.

Over the last six years, 38 states have legalized sports gambling with 30 of these states permitting online sports betting. In March of 2024, North Carolina became the most recent state to join this majority allowing online sports betting.

Join recovery professionals, advocates, and community members for two days of networking, discussions, and workshops focused on strengthening recovery efforts across North Carolina. The symposium is free of charge.

Join us each month to learn about policies and programs that affect the MH/IDD/SU/TBI community. The goal of this webinar is to bring everyone together in one (virtual) place. This group includes consumers, families, advisory groups, LME/MCOs, community members and partner organizations.

In this webinar, DMHDDSUS shares resources available through the Connections App, a free digital tool that provides peer support and care management tools for individuals during treatment and recovery.

The Innovations Waitlist Dashboard provides valuable insights into needs of individuals on the waitlist, working to ensure they receive the services and support necessary to thrive in their communities.