
Commission for the Blind Public Forum Zoom Webinar
June 27th at 4pm
September  19th at 4pm
December 12th at 4pm                                                                            

Commission for the Blind/Rehabilitation Council Meeting
June 28th at 12pm
September 20th at 12pm
December 13th at 12pm

If you would like to attend the next public forum, please contact Lisa Tuck at to be provided the link.

Membership List
Cody Davis (Chair), Recipient of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Tania Bowers (Vice Chair),  Director, Client Assistance Program
Vacant, Community Rehabilitation Services Provider
Larry Woodard, Advocacy Group for Persons with Disabilities
Jennifer Jones, NC Division of Workforce Development
Crystal D. Patrick, Department of Public Instruction
Vacant, Statewide Independent Living Council
Celeste Hunt, Directors of a Project carried out under Section 121 of the Rehabilitation Act
Brittany Cutshaw, Parent Training and Information Center
Vacant, Parent of a Child with a Disability
Tevin Price, Representative of Business/Industry/and Labor
Dr. Madison Dunning, NC State Optometric Society
Dr. Stacy Levinson, NC State Optometric Society
Vacant, NC Opticians Association
Vacant, NC Opticians Association
Dr. Duncan Berry, NC Medical Society
Dr. Carol A. Johnston, NC Medical Society

Ex-Officio Members
Cynthia Speight, Director, Division of Services for the Blind
Evelis Mason, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

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