Patient's/Resident's Rights

Patients and residents in our facilities are afforded all state and federal civil rights including rights under: 
Article 3 of North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 122C
Human Rights for Clients in State Facilities
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Rehabilitation Act
The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
Notice of Privacy Practices


Advocates are located in the state operated healthcare facilities and work to promote and protect the rights of the patients and residents living in the facilities. The Advocates conduct timely investigations when there are reports or suspicions of rights violations such as abuse, neglect or exploitation. 

Concerns and Grievances

Anyone receiving services in one of our facilities has a right to express a concern or grievance without fear of retribution. A guardian, or anyone authorized to speak on behalf of the person who is directly receiving services, can bring concerns or grievances forward. 

For assistance with the Concerns and Grievances process, please contact your facility advocate: Advocate Contact Information.

Human Rights Committees

Each facility has a Human Rights Committee that works to protect the rights of the people being served by the facility. 

  • The Secretary of DHHS appoints Human Rights Committees.
  • The Advocates support the mission of these Human Rights Committees by providing information related to the protection of patients'/residents' rights.
  • The Advocates are available to follow-up on any matters that are of concern to the Human Rights Committees.
  • For information on the Human Rights Committee membership, please see the attached brochure.
  • To find out how to become a Human Rights Committee member, please contact Paula Appel, the DSOHF Advocacy Team leader, at

Disability Rights of NC

Disability Rights North Carolina is a private non-profit organization that was designated by the Governor in 2007 to protect the rights of all state citizens with disabilities through individual advocacy and system change.

Contact Disability Rights of NC

Phone: 919-856-2195
Toll Free: 877-235-4210
Fax: 919-856-2244

Physical Address
3724 National Drive, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27612

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