FNS Caseload Statistics Reports

FNS Cases and Participants

This data displays a statewide count of FNS cases and participants by month, in addition to counts by county. NOTE (please read carefully): On January 25, 2018, NCDSS removed the FNS data which displays the “Number of Individuals on Active Cases By Month” from the website due to a technical issue with how participants were being counted; however, no benefits were inappropriately withheld or issued to families in our State. As a result of the technical issue, there were participants in some FNS cases who were not being counted, ultimately causing the total number of individual FNS recipients to be under-reported.

FNS Application by County by Month

This data displays a statewide count of FNS applications by month, in addition to counts by county.

FNS Monthly ABAWD Counts

This data displays a statewide count of active ABAWD (Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents) participants and includes a count of closed ABAWD participants.  In addition, there are tabs which display the same counts broken down by month by county.

FNS Application Timeliness Weekly Reports

FNS Recertification Timeliness Monthly Reports

Quality Control Data

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