Topics Related to Training

This training course is for NC Medicaid Providers transitioning to NC Medicaid Managed Care.

This training course is for NC Medicaid Providers transitioning to NC Medicaid Managed Care.

There are two free upcoming trainings across North Carolina to promote and encourage individuals to learn how to implement community inclusion of adults with serious mental illness. Learn from Mark Salzer, Ph.D.

There are two free upcoming trainings across North Carolina to promote and encourage individuals to learn how to implement community inclusion of adults with serious mental illness. Learn from Mark Salzer, Ph.D.

AMH 104 Webinar - Roles and Responsibilities of Clinically Integrated Networks and Other Partners

Training is designed for Primary Care Providers interested in becoming Advanced Medical Homes in NC Medicaid Managed Care.

AMH 103 Webinar - Accountability: Certification, Contracting and Oversight

Training is designed for Primary Care Providers interested in becoming Advanced Medical Homes in NC Medicaid Managed Care.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) developed the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program as the primary vehicle for delivering local care management as the state transitions to Medicaid managed care. The AMH program builds on the Carolina ACCESS program.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) developed the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program as the primary vehicle for delivering local care management as the state transitions to Medicaid managed care. The AMH program builds on the Carolina ACCESS program.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) developed the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program as the primary vehicle for delivering local care management as the state transitions to Medicaid managed care. The AMH program builds on the Carolina ACCESS program.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) developed the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program as the primary vehicle for delivering local care management as the state transitions to Medicaid managed care. The AMH program builds on the Carolina ACCESS program.