More Information
North Carolina has suspended the transition of Medicaid to managed care. Medicaid beneficiaries will get health services as they do now from the state. Beneficiaries do not need to choose a health plan. Behavioral health services will continue to be provided by Local Management Entities – Managed Care Organizations. All health providers enrolled in Medicaid are still part of the program and will continue to bill the state through NCTracks. Timelines noted within Medicaid Transformation policy papers, fact sheets and other communications will not apply.
Please call the Medicaid Contact Center at 888-245-0179 if you have questions.
NC General Assembly Reports
Public Notices
Full Public Notice for Amended Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Application - Nov. 20, 2017
Media Releases
Media Release on Issuance of Request for Proposal for Prepaid Health Plans - Aug. 9, 2018
Media Release on Amended Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Application - Nov. 20, 2017
Media Release on Medicaid managed care proposed program design - Aug. 8, 2017
Public Input Summaries
Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D., and the NC Medicaid hosted a webcast on Oct. 16, 2019 to provide an update on the Medicaid Managed Care transition and a closer look at Medicaid Managed Care statewide open enrollment activities.
Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D., and the NC Medicaid team hosted a webinar on Medicaid Managed Care implementation and a closer look at NC Medicaid Managed Care Phase 1 open enrollment activities.
NC Medicaid held a statewide webinar on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 1-2:30 p.m. regarding the NC Enrollment Broker who will be helping with the implementation of Medicaid Managed Care.
Topics covered in the webinar:
- The NC Medicaid Managed Care transition and its impact on beneficiaries
- The timeline for open enrollment and what to expect in terms of communication to beneficiaries
- How you can partner with the Enrollment Broker to educate beneficiaries
Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D. hosted a Stakeholder Call on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019 to provide a Managed Care update and discuss the PHP contract awards.