** Please note this is a date change from the original Sept. 13, 2018 due to the threat of severe weather. **
The Medicaid and Health Choice Preferred Drug List (PDL) Review Panel was established by DHHS to conduct open meetings to discuss recommended policies and procedures related to the PDL and to address the public comments that were received during the PDL comment period. The administration and review of the North Carolina Medicaid and Health Choice PDL follows the Preferred Drug List Review Panel Guidelines and Procedures.
To sign up to speak at the PDL Review Panel Meeting, send an email to Medicaid.PDLReviewMeeting@lists.ncmail.net. Please include the name of the speaker, the represented organization and the drug name. You may attach any clinical information regarding the drug you wish the PDL Panel to review beforehand. Presentations are allowed only in the drug classes with changes and should not exceed three minutes.