Secretarial Directives
Permanent Directives
Number | Title | Date Signed | Status |
005 | Community and Partner Engagement | 2/22/24 | In Effect |
2023-001 | Tailored Plan Readiness & LME/MCO Streamlining Pursuant to SL 2023-134 | 11/1/23 | In Effect |
001 | Signature Authority and Delegation of Authority | 06/19/23 | In Effect |
003 | Delegation of Authority Concerning Grants, Budget and Financial Matters | 09/26/22 | In Effect |
004 | Contracts and Procurement, Infographic | 07/26/22 | In Effect |
Temporary Directives
Number | Title | Date Signed | Status | Expires |
2022-01 | Declaration of Continuing Benefits due to COVID-19. | 7/18/2022 | In Effect | At conclusion of Federal Public Health Emergency. |