NC Emergency Solutions Grant
The North Carolina Emergency Solutions Grant Office is a grant funder for local government entities and non-profit organizations located across the state. The State of North Carolina receives an annual Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) grant award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The State subsequently allocates these funds to qualified local governments and non-profit organizations which provide assistance, shelter or services to the homeless or those individuals or families at risk of becoming homeless.
If you are an individual or family in need of housing assistance due to homelessness please contact the NC United Way by calling 2-1-1 or visit their website NC211.
Locally, Coordinated Entry is the central access point in each county for those experiencing homelessness or may about to become homeless.
Coordinated entry is the contact that can get you connected with the resources you need in your local community to help you end or prevent homelessness. The document in the files section located at the bottom of this page provides information on how to access coordinated entry in each county in North Carolina. If you are experiencing homelessness or are about to become homeless, find your county and contact the local coordinated entry office either by email, phone or through the web link provided.
To meet national housing objectives, NC Emergency Solutions Grant Program will consist of following ESG program components:
- Street Outreach Services
- Emergency Shelter
- Homelessness Prevention Services
- Rapid Rehousing Services
- Data Collection: NC HMIS
Program Authorization and Administration
The ESG program is authorized by the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, Title IV, as amended (U.S. Code: 42 USC 11371 et seq.) Regulations: Code of Federal Regulations at 24 CFR Part 576. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development makes grants to States and units of general local government for eligible program activities. The North Carolina State ESG program is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging.
Important Announcement: Applications for ESG funding.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Emergency Solutions Grant program please direct them to:
Chris Battle
Homeless Programs Coordinator
Division of Aging
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Lisa Worth
ESG Homeless Programs Coordinator
Division of Aging
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
919-855-4993 office
Alissa Pritchett
ESG Homeless Programs Coordinator
Division of Aging
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
919-855-4991 office