Community Services

We can provide you with the tools, services and education you need to be an active participant in your community, regardless of your visual ability.

Access to Printed Materials

  • Materials can be produced in Braille for other agencies, groups and individuals.
  • Our Communications Unit produces material in alternate format, primarily Braille for DSB employees.
  • Alternate formats may be produced if you have no other means of obtaining the material.
  • The requested materials have a per page fee.

The Communications Unit will follow all copyright laws, specifically Public Law 104-197, which allows the production of material in "specialized formats" (Braille, audio, or digital text which is exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities) without obtaining copyright permission. Large print production is not included in Public Law 104- 197. The Unit will not produce textbooks, cookbooks, math, computer codes or foreign language Braille. Consumers will be referred to appropriate resources if the Unit is unable to fulfill requests.

Aids and Appliances

The Aids and Appliances Unit sells small aids and appliances developed or adapted for people who are blind or visually impaired at a cost.
Items for sale include:
  • Sewing aids
  • Watches (talking, Braille, large print)
  • Kitchen aids (long oven mitts, large print timers)
  • Low-vision aids (special sunglasses and reading glasses)
These and other products are available for a fee, plus shipping and state tax. To request this service contact us:
Phone: 919-527-6770
Fax: 919-715-0249
Mailing Address
2601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2601

Camp Dogwood

We support the involvement of people who are Blind or Deaf-Blind in camping experiences at Camp Dogwood. The Camp is located near Lake Norman and is supported through the Lions Foundation of North Carolina.
Email the Lions Foundation of North Carolina
Phone: 1-800-662-7401 ext. 223

Education and Outreach

The Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) provides information on our services at public events. We can also provide education and awareness to family members, caregivers, civic groups, businesses, and other service providers on topics related to vision loss, including:

  • Low-vision aids, talking aids, and other adaptive aids to assist people with vision loss
  • Technology available to assist people with vision loss
  • Travel techniques for sighted people assisting people with vision loss

Handicapped Placard

If we have a current eye report on file, or if you can provide a report documenting your legal blindness, we can verify your eligibility for a Handicapped Parking Placard. Once verified, you can get an application for a handicap placard from your local Social Worker for the Blind or local District Office.

Library Services

We can assist you in applying for audio books, books in Braille or large print books from the NC Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. A descriptive video service is also available.

NC Fishing License

In North Carolina, people with blindness are eligible for a free fishing license. With a current eye report, we can assist you in applying.

Support Groups

In many communities groups have formed to provide support to people who have lost vision and to their family members. These groups focus on educational, recreational and social activities. We can provide contact information about these groups.

Tax Deduction

With a current eye report documenting legal blindness, we can verify that you are eligible for a tax deduction based on blindness.

VIP (Visually Impaired Persons) Fishing Tournament

The VIP Fishing Tournament, the largest gathering of blind and visually impaired people in North Carolina, is held annually in October on the Outer Banks. Participants from across the State attend the event. The tournament is sponsored by the Outer Banks Lions Clubs. We can assist you with applying.

Voter Registration

The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, the Independent Living Rehabilitation Counselor and the Social Worker for the Blind offer individuals the opportunity to complete a Voter Registration Preference Form and offer the North Carolina Agency Voter Registration Application/Update Form at application for service, recertification, at each renewal of service, change of address or name.


To request our services, contact the District Office nearest to you, or the Blind Registrar Clerk.
Phone: 919-527-6705 or 919-733-9822

The Communications Unit

Phone: 919-527-6763
Spanish: 1-800-662-7030

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