Permanent Supportive Housing

The Targeting Program

Expanding Access to Permanent Supportive Housing Options for People with Disabilities.

Purpose of the Program

North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services designed the Targeting Program in partnership with the NC Housing Finance Agency in response to the Olmstead Act. The Program helps adults who have a disability and are the heads of their households who face multiple barriers to independent living. The Targeting Program serves to support these individuals by providing access to affordable housing and helping to maintain affordable housing. 
Targeted Units are integrated in newly constructed or rehabilitated Low Income Housing Tax Credits rental properties across the State. These properties are required to dedicate 10% of their housing units to people with disabilities who are referred through the Targeting Program. A component of the Targeting Program is Key Rental Assistance which provides rental assistance to make the “Targeted Units” truly affordable to people with extremely low incomes (50% of area median income or less).
The program aims to connect eligible people to housing that is:

  • Affordable
  • Decent
  • Permanent
  • Integrated
  • Accessible
  • Independent

Accessing Targeted Units

Adults who are the heads of their households who are also people with disabilities, and who are receiving supportive services to live independently, must be referred to the Targeting Program by a participating service agency. Social Service agencies become Targeting Program Referral Agencies by making a formal commitment to participate in the program and work with their clients to determine who is in need of and eligible for housing assistance. 
Because the program is disability neutral, many different kinds of service agencies make referrals, including but not limited to, behavioral health care agencies, county social service departments and regional offices of divisions within NC DHHS.
Service agencies review Targeted housing options with their clients who choose where they would like to live. North Carolina’s Division of Aging Targeting Program staff maintain waitlists for each development with Targeted Units. Property managers notify the Division of Aging staff when Targeted Units become available and work with referral agencies to help waitlisted households apply for available units.
Property managers screen referred households for Targeted Units using the same methods they would use for other people seeking housing at the property.
Targeted Unit tenants have the same leases and tenant rights and responsibilities as their neighbors. Targeting Program staff provide fair housing assistance and guidance to service providers for people who are experiencing housing barriers. This assistance can be provided at the time of housing application or during tenancy.


Applicants must be 18 years or older with a disability, connected to a human service agency receiving supportive services and have income below 50% Area Median Income. For qualifying for the Targeting Program an applicant must have a disability as defined:
An individual age 18 and older is "disabled" if he or she has:
1. a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, which:
2. results in the inability to do any substantial gainful activity; and

  • can be expected to result in death; or
  • has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.

Helping Tenants Maintain Housing

The Targeting Program leverages property management knowledge of risks and referral agency commitment to provide ongoing access to supportive services to tenants they have referred. Should Targeted Unit tenants experience difficulties that may jeopardize their housing, property managers have a single, local human service partner – called a Housing Stabilization Coordinator in the Division of Aging’s Targeting Program who helps facilitate intervention with the tenant’s referral agency.

For More Information

Area Median Income
Available rental units in your area

For more information about the Targeting Program, information about accessing the program, or information about becoming an approved referral agency, please contact: 

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