WIC Conferences and Trainings
Below you will find information on trainings, conferences and continuing education:
General WIC Webinars and On-Demand Training Series
Go to the Adobe Connect Catalog to find information and registration links for live and recorded webinars for Local Agency WIC staff.
VENA is a participant-centered, health outcome-based approach to a WIC nutrition assessment, which is a required and essential part of the WIC program. It's used to determine eligibility, through identifying nutrition risks, and to personalize WIC nutrition services, and is the starting point for designing all WIC nutrition services.
WIC Learning Online is a series of online courses designed to train all levels of staff working in the WIC program.
Breastfeeding Trainings
Description: The purpose of this course is to provide orientation to Peer Counselor Program Managers (PCPM) on the operation of the peer counseling program and guidance in supervising peer counselors. The course provides insights and tools for program logistics, policy development, community engagement, staff retention, and more. Content is based on the WIC Breastfeeding Model.
Target Audience: New Peer Counselor Program Managers (required); highly recommended for existing PCPMs, WIC Directors.
- Identify the factors integral to the success of implementing a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling (BFPC)Program.
- Understand the value of peer counseling programs and describe how they can influence breastfeeding initiation and duration rates in the WIC Population.
- Explain North Carolina WIC BFPC program services to WIC participants and community partners.
- List the qualifications to seek in recruiting and hiring peer counselors.
- Describe the two areas of program support, based on the WIC Breastfeeding Model Components for Peer Counseling.
- Describe local agency specific responsibilities and strategies to implement a comprehensive peer counseling program.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Peer Counselor Program Manager (PCPM) in supporting the BFPC program and individual peer counselors under their supervision.
The Training is located here.
New to TRAIN.org? Click here for instructions.
Description: The purpose of this course is to orient WIC staff to the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Care Plan located in Crossroads.
Target Audience: Peer Counselors, Peer Counselor Supervisors, and Peer Counselor Program Managers.
- Identify roles and responsibilities as a Peer Counselor.
- Demonstrate how to access and document in the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Care Plan in Crossroads.
- Recognize required components of the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Care Plan in Crossroads.
- Develop a plan of care for pregnant and breastfeeding participants.
The training is located here.
Description: This training is a continuing education opportunity for WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselors and the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program Managers.
Target Audience: Peer Counselors and their managers
Quarter Three Peer Counseling Quarterly Continuing Education
Region* | Date | Time | Delivery Method | Registration Link |
1 | Tuesday, May 6, 2025 | 9:00am to 12:00pm | Virtual | Link |
2 | Wednesday, May 28, 2025 | 9:00am to 12:00pm | Virtual | Link |
3 | Monday, May 19, 2025 | 8:30am to 4:30pm | In-Person | Link emailed |
Quarter Four Peer Counseling Quarterly Continuing Education
Region* | Date | Time | Delivery Method | Registration Link |
1 | Tuesday, August 5, 2025 | 9:00am to 12:00pm | Virtual | Link to be emailed |
2 | Tuesday, August 12, 2025 | 8:30am to 4:00pm | In-Person | Link to be emailed |
3 | Thursday, August 28, 2025 | 1:00pm to 4:00pm | Virtual | Link |
*Questions about which region your local WIC agency is located, refer here.
Description: This new, comprehensive, competency-based curriculum takes an agency wide approach to training local and State agency WIC staff on breastfeeding. This curriculum replaces the Loving Support training. The curriculum is structured in four tiered levels of learning based on staff roles. WIC staff will progress through levels sequentially based on their role within the WIC Program.
Target Audience: All WIC staff are expected to complete training based on their WIC positions.
Information, Dates, and Registration: find more information and the link to register here
Description: This is a required training for local WIC agencies’ WIC Designated Breastfeeding Expert (DBE). The quarterly sessions provide evidenced based information on complex breastfeeding situations.
Target Audience: WIC Designated Breastfeeding Experts.
Quarter Three DBE Quarterly Continuing Education
Region* | Date | Time | Delivery Method | Registration Link |
1 | Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 10:00am-3:00pm | In-person | Link |
2 | Wednesday, April 23, 2025 | 9:00am-12:00pm | Virtual | Link |
3 | Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | 1:00pm-4:00pm | Virtual | Link |
Quarter Four DBE Quarterly Continuing Education
Region* | Date | Time | Delivery Method | Registration Link |
1 | Thursday, July 10, 2025 | 9:00am-12:00pm | Virtual | Link to be emailed |
2 | Thursday, July 17, 2025 | 9:00am-12:00pm | Virtual | Link |
3 | Wednesday, July 30, 2025 | 1:00pm-4:00pm | Virtual | Link |
*Questions about which region your local WIC agency is located, refer here.
Vendor Trainings
Description: Vendor management is an essential component of the WIC program established to provide oversight of WIC authorized vendors. This is accomplished by instructing vendors regarding WIC vendor regulations, policies and procedures and subsequently, ensuring compliance. This webinar is for all local agency staff who oversee or conduct vendor management activities.
Objectives: By the end of the training participants will be able to:
- Describe Federal and State violations and corresponding sanctions for non-compliance with WIC program guidelines.
- Explain inventory requirements for WIC approved foods.
- Describe the process for vendor application, maintaining vendor status, and vendor disqualification.
- Correctly guide local vendors in completing all required paperwork.
Target Audience : All local agency staff who conducts vendor management activities.
Date and Time:
Tuesday, June 10, 2025, 1pm – 4pm: Register here.
Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 9am – 12pm: Register here.
Additional Nutrition Trainings and Links
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released in December 2020. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent disease. It is developed and written for a professional audience such as policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and nutrition program operators.
This course is intended to offer a basic introduction to child development to help WIC staff feel more comfortable talking to WIC participants about their child’s development. In addition, participants will learn about the free resources available to help WIC staff engage and educate families about their children’s development using free materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Go here to access the training.
This one-hour, self-paced online course will review evidenced based strategies to increase breastfeeding for healthy full-term infants. There is no charge for this online course. Register here.
The CDC Learning Connection is your source for information about public health training developed by CDC, CDC partners, and other federal agencies. Through website features, social media, and an e-newsletter, the CDC Learning Connection keeps you informed about training opportunities, including many that offer free continuing education (CE). Go here to access the CDC Learning Connection.
This online training provides health care providers and public health professionals in the United States with expertise on using and interpreting the growth charts. This course contains seven sections and can be completed in about 45 minutes.
Access the training here.
Go here for Crossroads training videos on the NCDHHS YouTube sites.
This recorded webinar from the Culture of Health and National Academy of Medicine provides research-based tips and techniques for advancing health equity in public policy. Go here to view the webinar.
The National Institute for Children's Health Quality (NICHQ) is a mission-driven nonprofit dedicated to driving dramatic and sustainable improvements in the complex issues facing children's health. The NICHQ is committed to building and managing effective change strategies that align partners and engage stakeholders to achieve better outcomes for children and their families. This includes a focus on health equity and the significant needs and opportunities in addressing social determinants of health. Go here to view the NICHQ’s recorded webinars.
For the most current NWA webinar schedule and information, please check the NWA Webinars site here.
Baby teeth are important! Hear the latest on early childhood oral health – everything from national statistics to policies of the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. If you work with young children or their parents, you’ll want to know this valuable information and how you can help prevent tooth decay. Target audience: childcare providers, WIC staff and other community partners. For more information, go here.
Contact information:
Emily Horney, Early Childhood Oral Health Coordinator
Division of Public Health, Oral Health Section
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Nutrition Care Process Tutorials are offered by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. These video modules explain the Nutrition Care Process (NCP). The NCP Tutorial is a series of six modules. The modules are free to everyone and one CEU hour can be earned. Go here to access the modules.
PBH offers virtual education to help expand your knowledge through new research, trends, product innovations and culinary inspirations from a diverse group of expert speakers. PBH webinars include a variety of pertinent topics including the impact of nutrition on emotional well-being, active aging, and sustainability. Go here to view the recorded webinars.
The Roundtable on Obesity Solutions engages leadership from multiple sectors to solve the obesity crisis. Through meetings, public workshops, background papers, and innovation collaboratives, the Roundtable fosters an ongoing dialogue on critical and emerging issues in obesity prevention, treatment, and weight maintenance. Go here for more information on the Roundtable on Obesity Solutions and view upcoming events as well as recorded webinars.
This training module from the Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals has been adapted from the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor module and teaches effective strategies for helping participants move towards making healthy lifestyle changes. Go here to access the training.