
Tab/Accordion Items

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeFiles
WIC Caseload Management Strategies AssessmentA comprehensive list of caseload management strategies local WIC Programs should consider using. Provides areas for assessing implementation and comments. 8.5 X 11”



Local Agency Retention and Outreach PlanTemplate that must be used to document the local agency’s plan to build and sustain caseload and improve delivery of service annually. Refer to WPM Chapter 10 for details.8.5x11”



WIC Program Outreach Activity LogTemplate that can be used to maintain documentation of all local agency retention and outreach efforts including the who, what, when, and where of all activities, and evaluation of the efforts. Refer to WPM Chapter 10 for details.8.5x11”



Identifying Factors that Interfere with Participation Reconciliation LogSpreadsheet used in conjunction with the "Detailed and Summary Participants Who Failed to Pick Up Benefits" report to collect and assess data related to barriers of participation and missed appointments.Varies

Reconciliation Log XLS 

Detailed Instructions 

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)Template can be used to work with partnering agencies to provide WIC services outside the local agency.8.5x11”Template 
Outreach Activity Guide for Local AgenciesResource provides ideas for outreach and community engagement.8.5x11”PDF 
NC WIC Program Outreach PowerPoint PresentationA PowerPoint presentation to provide a framework for Local Agency staff to develop an outreach presentation specific to their agency. Local agencies should save this presentation, modify and enhance as needed based on the purpose and target audience of their outreach efforts.N/APPT 
Welcome to North Carolina WIC! Video Series


This resource provides links to 22 videos in both English and Spanish and can be used to promote the WIC Program, introduce new participants to WIC Program services and highlight the shopping experience for participants.  Suggestions on how to incorporate these videos into your local agency could include playing them in your waiting rooms, utilizing them on social media platforms, adding selected videos to your local agency websites, and utilizing them for outreach presentations or events.

N/AWelcome to North Carolina WIC Video Resource
NC WIC Outreach ChallengeA resource that includes 34 outreach activity ideas, with detailed information, tips and suggested outreach materials.8.5x11"NC WIC Outreach Challenge
Outreach Contact Information FormA form to collect contact information from community partners.8.5x11"Outreach Contact Information Form
Outreach CalendarA blank calendar template to record outreach activities completed or planned.8.5x11"Outreach Calendar
Sample Outreach LettersLetter templates that promote the WIC program and connect Local Agencies with potential WIC partners in their communities. Specifically, letters address physicians, food assistance programs, child care agencies, social services, faith-based organizations, lactation consultants and pharmacists.









Child Care Agency 

Food Assistance Agency 


Social Services

Church/Faith-Based Organizations


Lactation Consultant



Local Agency Outreach Partner Contact ListA Microsoft Excel template that can be used to maintain the local agency’s outreach contact list.VariesLocal Agency Outreach Partner Contact List Template
Customer Satisfaction SurveysSurveys that capture WIC program customer satisfaction.8.5x11”


PDF (Spanish) 

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeFiles
2024 NC WIC Media Campaign ResourceNC WIC Media Resource for the 2024 "Whatever it Takes", media campaign. The resource includes links that can be used to promote the WIC Program and the benefits of it to new and potential participants. English and Spanish.Digital links 2024 NC WIC Media Campaign Resource
How WIC Helps Fact SheetsFact sheets developed by the NWA that describe the WIC program on the national and state levels.8.5x11”



WIC AdvertisementA general advertisement used to increase awareness of the WIC program that targets those who may benefit from participation.4x5”







Sample Press ReleaseA sample press release that can be customized by the local agency and used to promote the WIC program.8.5x11”PDF 
Sample Newspaper ArticlesTemplates for newspaper articles local agencies can use to promote the WIC program.8.5x11”


PDF (Spanish) 

WIC Outreach: Guidelines for Building Media RelationsResource document provides guidance on working with the media.8.5x11”PDF 
NWA Social Media Starter KitNWA resource tailored for local agencies to help them utilize social media effectively.WebAccess Online 
NWA WIC Advocacy ToolkitNWA resource that provides a variety of advocacy activities with tips, worksheets, and examples of how you can promote the WIC program.WebAccess Online 

The National WIC Association (NWA) partners with approximately 62 Indian Tribal Organizations and states, including North Carolina, to support the NWA National Recruitment and Retention Campaign. NWA worked with marketing experts to conduct formative research with WIC families from several states to develop the WIC brand identity, with supporting visuals and messaging.

This campaign is a multi-platform effort designed to:

  • Recruit new WIC participants,
  • Retain current participants,
  • Improve the perception of the WIC program, and
  • Create national brand recognition.

To access the NWA National Recruitment and Retention Campaign resources, log in with your username and password on the National WIC Association website.  If you do not have an account, you can create one and should link it to your local agency to gain access to all of the recruitment and retention resources.  Once logged in, click on “R & R Campaign” to find to the latest resources to download and use in your local agency.

The signupwic.com website directs potential participants to their nearest WIC agency.  Local agencies should review the information on the website and submit changes using the NWA WIC Share Portal to ensure their agency’s information is current.


Printed Outreach Materials

A variety of outreach materials are available for use by Local WIC Agencies through the Community Nutrition Services Section. Information regarding each type of material including PDF and some JPG files is available here. JPG files can be downloaded and used digitally. Printed copies of these outreach materials should be ordered using the Community Nutrition Services Section Materials Requisition Form (https://ncnutrition.adobeconnect.com/nsbreqform/).

Outreach for Families

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeItem #Files
WIC Makes a Healthy Difference!Bilingual pamphlet highlights WIC eligibility, program benefits and contact information.8.5x11”0020PDF
WIC Outreach BookmarkBilingual bookmark highlights WIC eligibility, program benefits and contact information.3.25x8.5”0032PDF
All About WIC. Fact SheetProvides detailed information about WIC eligibility, program benefits, how to apply and contact information.8.5x11”



PDF (English)

PDF (Spanish) 

WIC Welcomes You PosterReassures WIC participants that WIC welcomes everyone, does not ask for or keep information about visa status or citizenship and ensures participant confidentiality.18x24”







NC WIC Program Participant FlyerFlyer that describes what WIC is, who WIC is for and how to apply for WIC services for potential participants. Provides different methods for locating WIC offices in the area.8.5x11”



PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

Refer a Friend CardBusiness cards that encourage peer to peer referrals. Cards can be customized to include local agency contact information.3.375x2.125”



PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

Not All Heroes Wear Capes! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward mothers of children and infants.3.25x8.5"0035PDF 
You’ve Got This Veggie Thing Down! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward potentially adjunctively eligible families.3.25x8.5"0038PDF
You’ve Got This! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward caregivers of all types.3.25x8.5"0039PDF 
WIC Is Here To Serve You! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward immigrants.3.25x8.5"0041PDF 


Outreach for Women

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeItem #Files
Healthy Diet, Healthy Baby (Teal Flyer)Encourages mom to contact their local WIC agency for an appointment. Highlights WIC's important role in maintaining a healthy prenatal diet to encourage continued WIC participation.










PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

Healthy Diet, Healthy Baby (Purple Flyer)Encourages mom to contact their local WIC agency for an appointment. Highlights WIC's important role in maintaining a healthy prenatal diet to encourage continued WIC participation.










PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish)

Breastfeeding and WIC: WIC Makes a Healthy DifferenceProvides information about WIC eligibility, program benefits, how to apply, contact information in addition to highlighting WIC Breastfeeding services and supplies.8.5x11"



PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

Be the Mom You Want to Be! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward postpartum women.3.25x8.5"0037PDF 
You Got This, Mom! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward breastfeeding women.3.25x8.5"0036PDF 
Next Step: Baby! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward pregnant women.3.25x8.5"0034PDF 


Outreach for Children

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeItem #Files

Look Who’s1! Birthday Card

Look Who’s 2! Birthday Card

Look Who’s 3! Birthday Card

Look Who’s 4! Birthday Card

Age-specific 'Happy Birthday' cards with review of eligibility, program benefits, and contact information. Intended to help families celebrate an exciting milestone, while also reminding them about the benefits of WIC. Highlights the core functions of WIC and also addresses a common misperception by stating that children can participate on the program up to age 5. Includes envelopes.5.25x7.25"










PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

WIC Kids Are Off To A Healthy Start! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward families with children.3.25x8.5"0040PDF 
WIC Kids Are Off To A Smart Start! BookmarkBookmark highlights WIC services and categorical eligibility with targeted messaging toward families with children in Head Start.3.25x8.5"0033PDF 


Outreach for eWIC

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeItem #Files
Welcome NC eWICFeather banners, floor decals, and window clings celebrate that the NC WIC Program has transitioned to EBT (eWIC).N/AN/A

JPG (English) 

JPG (Spanish) 

NC eWIC Outreach Cards for Potential Participants (Teal)Cards targeting potentially eligible families that highlight the benefits of eWIC in English and Spanish. Each card has a space on the front for a standard 1" x 2-5/8" rectangular label; include a return address, forwarding address, and standard stamp on the back to make a postcard.4x6"










Outreach for Community Partners

ResourceDescriptionPrinted SizeItem #Files
National WIC Association’s All About WICBrochure developed by NWA that targets health care professionals and describes WIC program eligibility, benefits, and food package.8.5x11"N/APDF 
North Carolina WIC UpdateQuarterly newsletter with information and facts about the North Carolina WIC Program. Designed to assist local WIC agencies with community engagement and outreach efforts.5.8x14"N/AFall 2024 (English)
Otoño 2024 (Spanish)
Nutrition Services RxTear off pads for healthcare providers to refer patients to WIC. Local agencies can customize by adding their contact information.4.25x5.5"0031

PDF (English)

PDF (Spanish) 

The NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs FlyerA quick reference guide provides a snapshot of fourteen different United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) programs available in North Carolina.8.5x11”



PDF (English) 

PDF (Spanish) 

NC State Nutrition Action Coalition (SNAC) webpage: NC SNAC 

On This Page Jump Links