Information for Providers

More Than A Job NC providers are responsible for delivering services directly to participants. Services vary by provider but generally include an employability assessment, employment plan and training and support services. Our desire is to connect participants with providers like you, supporting them in overcoming employment barriers and finding paths to success. Partnering with More Than A Job NC can uplift those who receive FNS benefits to find employment and educational opportunities. In today's competitive workplace, many FNS beneficiaries lack the skills and training required to secure their career goals. That's where you come in.

Why Partner with More Than A Job NC? Your business or organization can make a lasting impact in the community by partnering with us. We've built strong partnerships with community-based organizations, community colleges, and various education and training providers. Together, we create opportunities for FNS beneficiaries to achieve success through sustainable employment.

Provider Reimbursement Program: As a provider, partnering with us means you could be eligible for up to 50% reimbursement of allowable costs when non-federal funds from your organization are used to pay for a participant's participation. Your services contribute to giving someone the tools to live a more fulfilling life and if you are an employer, your organization could be reimbursed for training individuals who might become your future employees.

What We're Looking For: More Than A Job NC is seeking providers in industries such as education, skills training, job search, job retention services, and more. Our partners offer a range of work components to fulfill program requirements:

  • Education: Programs like English as a Second Language or Adult Basic Education courses.
  • Skills Training: Training in a skill or trade to improve employability in areas like culinary arts, technology, construction, healthcare, hospitality, retail, manufacturing and more.
  • Job Search Training: Instruction in job-seeking techniques, motivation, and self-confidence.
  • Supervised Job Search: Requires participants to make a predetermined number of inquiries to prospective employers.
  • Job Retention Services: Support services for individuals who have secured employment (for up to 90 days).
  • Support Services: Includes transportation, testing fees, childcare, and more.

Benefits of Partnering:

  • Maximize dollars already spent to serve FNS beneficiaries.
  • Cover a wide array of allowable costs with our flexible funding.
  • Expand the types of services available and increase capacity to serve more individuals.
  • Create a new funding stream to pay for much-needed participant supports.

How to Become a Provider

Join us in making a difference! Please fill out this form if you’re interested in becoming a provider and we will provide you with a presentation guide to present to the More Than A Job NC team. This will also be a chance for your organization to ask the More Than A Job NC Team any questions. The More Than A Job NC Team will review the presentation and the agency's qualifications, identify required documents you need for consideration, and guide you through the enrollment process for the next federal fiscal year.

Provider Resources

Program Policies:
List of County More Than A Job NC Programs
USDA E&T Toolkit
USDA SNAP Employment and Training
NCDHHS More Than A Job NC Handbook
FY 25 More than A Job NC State Plan
2024 SNAP Employment and Training National Forum Video

Individual Employment Plan
Screening and Referral
Peer Recognition Form
FY 25-26 Budget Workbook
FY 25-26 Budget Workbook Tutorial

More Than A Job NC Conference 2025
More Than a Job Campaign
Success Story Submission Form


Tab/Accordion Items

This program, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), delivers services to contracted providers through a third-party reimbursement model. Providers put forth the cost of program operations, including assessment, case management, employment and training activities and support services. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) then reimburses the provider at 50 percent of allowable expenditures. Providers are responsible for tracking costs, maintaining records, and invoicing according to federal and state regulations. This model consists of partnerships between the NCDHHS, North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Office, local county departments of social services and several community-based organizations (CBO). Contracted community colleges and CBOs provide direct employment and training services to participants. More Than A Job NC operates on the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) which is October 1 through September 30.

North Carolina develops the More Than A Job NC State Plan for approval by USDA-FNS annually. NCDHHS functions in a hybrid state-supervised, and state and county-administered format. Each partnering county is required to provide a Plan of Action (POA) to the State office annually by April 30. Each county's Plan of Action is formatted to contain the following information:

  • County E&T Program, Operations and Policy Overview
  • Estimate Participant Levels
  • Component Details
  • Summary of County Partnerships/Contracts
  • Contractor Detail Addendum
  • Operating Budget
  • Budget Narrative


In 2024, North Carolina’s Food and Nutrition Services Employment and Training (FNS E&T) program was renamed More Than A Job NC to provide statewide consistency in reflecting the program's mission. The rebrand aligns with feedback from participants and providers who felt "More Than A Job NC" best represented the program’s holistic approach.

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