NC ITP Staff
ITP Policies
- Assistive Technology
- Dispute Resolution
- Eligibility Categories
- Fees, Billing & Reimbursement
- Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Infant-Toddler Program Services
- Interagency Dispute Resolution
- Lead Agency
- Mandatory Reporting Policy
- Procedural Safeguards
- Public Awareness, Child Find System
- Screenings, Evaluations & Assessments
- Transitions
- Adoptions
- Address Confidentiality Program
- Assistive Technology Loan
- Approved Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Assistive Technology - Tracking Loaned Equipment
- Child Assessment
- Child Record Review Tool Checklist
- Child Record Review Guide
- Child Record Review Tool Index
- Confidentiality
- DocuSign for Program Use
- Evaluation, Eligibility Determination and Eligibility Categories
- Family-Directed Assessment
- Important Events to Document
- Individualized Family Service Plan
- Infant-Toddler Program Records
- Native Language
- Notice of Rights
- Parental Access to Records
- Parental Consent
- Prior Written Notice
- Record Retention and Disposition
- Record Transfers between CDSAs for Enrolled Children
- Referral Process
- Referral Strategies for Increased Community Awareness and Collaboration
- Service Coordination
- Service Planning and Delivery
- Service Providers
- Serving Children with Feeding and Swallowing Concerns
- Subpoena Requests
- Surrogate Parent
- Talking Points for Family Interactions
- Teleservices Procedural Guidance
- Texting Procedural Guidance
- Transition from the Infant-Toddler Program
- Transportation and Respite
Staff and providers who work with families with infants and toddlers enrolled in the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program (ITP) must complete select trainings to ensure that ITP workforce maintains foundational knowledge and skills informed by evidence-based practices necessary to best support our families.
Training and professional development information included on this webpage are updated periodically to include the most up-to-date trainings, resources, and information for our workforce.
- Child Outcomes Summary Form
- Child Outcomes Summary Form Training (Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center-ECTAC)
- Child Outcomes Summary Form- NC ITP Procedures
- Child Outcomes Summary Form- Attestation of Completion of Training
- Coaching & Natural Learning Environment Practices (Toolkit)
- Coaching and NLEP FIPP Webinars or Review of the Early Childhood Coaching Handbook and completion of the Quiz
- Putting it into Practice
- Coaching Practices in Teletherapy
- Positive Childhood Alliance NC: Recognizing and Reporting Child Maltreatment (Required Annually)
Pyramid Model
The North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program (NC ITP) has started the process of statewide integration of the Pyramid Model into our service delivery model. Implementation of the Pyramid Model began at the Winston Salem Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) in the Fall of 2021. The Winston Salem Pyramid Leadership Team has successfully implemented with their staff and have trained contracted providers in the basics of Pyramid Practices. What was learned from their implementation helped inform implementation of Pyramid Model at the Greenville CDSA. The third site is the Elizabeth City CDSA who started their process in May 2024.Over the next several years additional sites will be included until all sites have implemented Pyramid Model. To assist with preparation for implementation, the Pathway to Pyramid document was created that includes both recommended and required steps to make the implementation of this evidence based practice more effective.
For an overview of the Pyramid Model, please visit the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations website. For questions or information about Pyramid Model in the NC ITP please contact Andrea B. Bailey.
Professional Development Opportunities (optional)
These professional development opportunities have been approved for Infant-Toddler and Family Certification (ITFC) credits.
- Free Continuing Professional Development Opportunities 2020-2025
- Free Continuing Professional Development Opportunities (2019 and prior)
- Continuing Professional Development Calendar
Future Training
- Orientation to the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program
- Introduction to the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Infant Mental Health Modules/Competencies
The Infant, Toddler and Family Certificate (ITFC) is a required credential for individuals that provide service coordination and special instruction services. Individuals who serve infants and toddlers in the ITP need specialized knowledge and skills. These are necessary in working with the diverse young children, families, caregivers and professionals they will encounter.
Potential certificate awardees must have received a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university in one of the following fields:
- Birth-Kindergarten Education
- Child Development
- Child and Family Studies
- Communication Disorders
- Counseling
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Education
- Elementary Education
- Family Relations
- Family Studies
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Human Development
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Special Education
- Another human services field
ITFC Application Process
CDSA service coordinators and contracted providers of special instruction are required and eligible to apply for the Infant-Toddler Family Certificate. To apply, complete and submit the Application for Infant, Toddler, and Family Certification to the Children's Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) for the county in which the services will be provided. The ITP Procedural Guidance for Personnel Certification provides more information on the requirements.
Completion of the Another Human Service Field Worksheet is mandatory and utilized by the CDSA Director/approved designee to aid in determining if a degree is considered "another human service" field.
A Letter of Certification (approval or denial) is provided by the Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) within 30 days of receipt of the application.
ITFC Maintenance Process
The ITP Procedural Guidance for Personnel Certification specifies that continuing professional development is required for all Infant, Toddler, and Family Certificate holders. The annual continuing professional development requirement is 10 contact hours (1.0 CEU) per year, to be obtained between January 1 and December 31 of the year. Contact hours/CEU credits must focus on infants and toddlers with or without disabilities, and their families. ITFC individuals will utilize the NC ITP Documentation of Continuing Professional Development form to record their annual professional development requirements.
The ITP requires annual certification verification for anyone who holds an ITFC. The CDSA Director or designee/Provider Agency Director will review their staffs NC ITP Documentation of Continuing Professional Development form and supporting documentation. Then, utilizing the CBRS Provider-EISC Certification Verification form, the CDSA Director or designee/Provider Agency Director will attest that their staff have maintained ITFC.
Continuing Professional Development
The ITP requires quality evidence-based and -informed trainings for staff and network providers that meet the requirements for continuing professional development per the ITP Procedural Guidance for Personnel Certification .
The ITP maintains the Continuing Professional Development Approved Entities which is a list of credible organizations and businesses that provide evidence-based trainings relevant to infants and toddlers with or without disabilities, and their families. To recommend a training organization or business, complete the Continuing Professional Development Organization/Business Request.
Professional development opportunities that have been approved for Infant-Toddler and Family Certification (ITFC) credits can be found within the following links.
Free Continuing Professional Development Opportunities 2020-2025
Free Continuing Professional Development Opportunities (2019 and prior)
Internal CDSA Professional Development
CDSAs must use the CDSA Training and Staff Development Form (In-House-Training) form to identify and approve quality evidence-based and -informed trainings for their staff.
Bee Early Brochure: provides basic information about the ITP and what to do if there are concerns about a child's development. Also includes a checklist of developmental milestones for the first year of life.
Assistive Technology Loaning Program: provides proper care and cleaning instructions for assistive technology devices.
- Assistive Technology Roadmap for Staff and Providers
- EHDI Initial Hearing Aid Financial Eligibility Form
Eligibility Definition: describes who is eligible for services in the NC Infant Toddler Program under the Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Growing Up Naturally - Early Intervention in Natural Environments: provides practical information and guidance on the rationale behind the "what," "why," and "how" to provide services in a child's natural environment and the benefits to children, families and the programs that serves them.
Guiding Practices for Early Childhood Transitions in NC: provides an outline of activities, timelines, and recommended practices to facilitate a child's transition from the Infant-Toddler Program to the Preschool Program.
Infant Toddler Program Guidance to Personnel Certification 2014: describes the requirements and competencies necessary to be certified in the ITP.
Infant Toddler Program Guide to Reimbursement Procedures: this document serves as a guide to the Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSA) staff for reporting and billing for services.
Technical Assistance Guide for Focused Monitoring of Procedural Safeguards:
Teleservices Procedures for NC ITP: is a procedural manual for use of teleservices in the NC ITP.
Teleservices Resources for Early Intervention: is a list of provider resources for use of teletherapy within Early Intervention.
The Importance of Early Intervention: provides information on the importance, benefits, and the take home messages of early intervention.
Thank you for your interest in employment with North Carolina State Government and the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program.
You may locate jobs with the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program, including the Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSAs), listed under the category, "Department of Health and Human Services." Examples of positions within the North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program include positions such as habilitation specialist, physical therapist, speech and language pathologist, and educational diagnostician, program consultant, and CDSA Director.
State of North Carolina Job Opportunities
Watch this short video, Be Part of Early Intervention, created by the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Early Intervention Needs You!