Reuse and Exchange

What is Equipment Reuse at NCATP?
Definition: The redistribution of pre-owned assistive technology devices and durable medical equipment to residents of North Carolina.
Sources of equipment reuse:
AT devices and durable medical equipment that was purchased by taxpayer dollars for the NCATP demo/loan program and is no longer available for purchase from a manufacturer and/or is no longer being supported by the manufacturer.
AT devices and durable medical equipment that is donated by the public to NCATP for redistribution to consumers in need.
Method by which equipment is redistributed?
Long-term Loan – Any equipment that was purchased with taxpayer dollars cannot be “given-away”, but those devices can be loaned to a consumer for as long as the consumer needs them.
Redistribution of donated equipment – Any equipment that is donated by the public to NCATP without restrictions on its future usage other than providing it to another consumer.
Can donated equipment be retained by NCATP staff?
If the donor of a device prefers that the device be made available for consumers to use in the NCATP demo/loan program, NCATP staff should honor the request and retain the device.
If a NCATP staff member wishes to keep a donated device in their center and the donating party has no objections, the device can be retained for the NCATP demo/loan program.
Can donated equipment retained initially by NCATP staff be redistributed to a consumer?
It is at the discretion of NCATP staff as to when the “functional life” of a device ends at an AT Center.
What is the NCATP Exchange?
The North Carolina Assistive Technology Exchange List is a monthly resource featuring items that community members wish to sell or donate. This list ensures the privacy of all sellers' information and serves solely as a connector between sellers and buyers, with no profit made by the program.
If you would like to post items for Reuse or you would like to sell or donate to the North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP) Exchange list, Please complete the form or contact Brittany Hawley (919.664.1249 or if you need assistance.