Brochures and Resources

Translated Videos

Children and Pets

Translated Basic Radon Fact Sheets

Real Estate Brochures

Healthcare Resources

State Planning Documents That Include Radon

All 100 County Recommendations

Alamance (Test Indoor Air)

Alexander  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Alleghany  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Anson  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Ashe  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Avery  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Beaufort (Test Indoor Air)

Bertie (Test Indoor Air)

Bladen (Test Indoor Air)

Brunswick (Test Indoor Air)

Buncombe  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Burke  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Cabarrus  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Caldwell  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Camden (Test Indoor Air)

Carteret (Test Indoor Air)

Caswell  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Catawba  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Chatham  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Cherokee  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Chowan (Test Indoor Air)

Clay  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Cleveland  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Columbus (Test Indoor Air)

Craven (Test Indoor Air)

Cumberland (Test Indoor Air)

Currituck (Test Indoor Air)

Dare (Test Indoor Air)

Davidson  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Davie  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Duplin (Test Indoor Air)

Durham (Test Indoor Air)

Edgecombe (Test Indoor Air)

Forsyth  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Franklin  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Gaston  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Gates (Test Indoor Air)

Graham  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Granville  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Greene (Test Indoor Air)

Guilford  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Halifax  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Harnett  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Haywood  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Henderson  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Hertford (Test Indoor Air)

Hoke (Test Indoor Air)

Hyde (Test Indoor Air)

Iredell  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Jackson  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Johnston  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Jones (Test Indoor Air)

Lee  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Lenoir (Test Indoor Air)

Lincoln  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Macon  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Madison  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Martin (Test Indoor Air)

McDowell  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Mecklenburg  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Mitchell  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Montgomery  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Moore (Test Indoor Air)

Nash  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

New Hanover (Test Indoor Air)

Northampton  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Onslow (Test Indoor Air)

Orange (Test Indoor Air)

Pamlico (Test Indoor Air)

Pasquotank (Test Indoor Air)

Pender (Test Indoor Air)

Perquimans (Test Indoor Air)

Person  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Pitt (Test Indoor Air)

Polk  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Randolph  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Richmond  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Robeson (Test Indoor Air)

Rockingham  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Rowan  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Rutherford  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Sampson (Test Indoor Air)

Scotland (Test Indoor Air)

Stanly  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Stokes  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Surry  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Swain  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Transylvania  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Tyrrell (Test Indoor Air)

Union  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Vance  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Wake  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Warren  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Washington (Test Indoor Air)

Watauga  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Wayne  (Test Indoor Air)

Wilkes  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Wilson  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Yadkin  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Yancey  (Test Indoor Air and Private Well Water)

Radionuclide Fact Sheets



Instructional Webinars

The following webinars are intended to empower North Carolina residents with information on a variety of subjects pertaining to radon.

Guidance to Homeowner with Radon Mitigation Systems

Inspecting Radon Mitigation Systems

School Radon Mitigation Design Considerations

Radon Mitigation Standards, A Maine Perspective

Radon Mitigation Options for High Rise Condominiums from Concrete Emanation

Treatment Systems to Reduce Radon and Radionuclides in Private Well Water

Radionuclides in Private Wells of Wake County, North Carolina

Radon Primer for Everyone

Radon Resources for Health Care Providers

Radon ANSI Consensus-Based Standards

Relevant Research 

Interactive Radon Potential Map of North Carolina Referenced to Underlying Geology

Radon in air and groundwater by the NC Department of Environmental Quality

Radon in Ground Water in Guilford County, North Carolina by the US Geological Survey

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