Information for the Community Members

What are Certified Peer Support Specialists

Are you looking for support with your recovery journey? North Carolina Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) are people in recovery from a mental illness and/or substance use disorder who provide support to others who can benefit from their lived experiences. Peer support is a critical part of an evidence-based and recovery-oriented behavioral health system that supports individuals on their path to recovery and helps them to become more engaged in their communities. The role of a CPSS includes: 

  •   Cultivating relationships built on trust, respect, empathy, mutual experience, and choice
  •  Offering support through validation, encouragement, empowerment, and highlighting strengths
  •  Sharing personal experiences to inspire hope and recovery
  •  Recognizing personal beliefs, cultural values, lived experience, and individual needs
  •  Providing education about recover, advocating for oneself, and navigating the behavioral health system

Peer Support Scholarships

DMHDDSUS is currently offering scholarships to individuals who wish to become certified as a Peer Support Specialist. For more information or to apply, visit the North Carolina's Certified Peer Support Specialist Program's (NCCPSSP) scholarship website. 

Connect with a Peer

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. The Statewide Peer Warmline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is free and confidential. Just call 1-855-PEERS NC (1-855-733-7762). The Peer Warmline and the 988 Lifeline are available to anyone, anytime.

The CHESS Connections App offers FREE Certified Peer Support Services to all of North Carolina.  To participate, log into the app and create an account to access services. Connect with CPSS from anywhere in the state and get help with your recovery path or ways to maintain your personal wellness. 


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Do you have lived experience that you think could help another individual reach their recovery goals? If so, here is how to become a Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPSS) in North Carolina. A CPSS must meet eligibility requirements, complete training, and become certified through the application process. Eligibility requirements include:

  • One year of lived experience in recovery from a significant mental illness and/or substance use disorder
  • A high school diploma or equivalent
  • Completed NCCPS Approved Course Training that consists of a total of 50 hours, at least 40 hours of face-to-face instruction and 10-hours completed through pre-work, homework, and/or in-person
  • Completed 20 Hours of Additional Training that includes approved Ethics and Peer Support Boundaries training
  • Two reference letters and signed Code of Ethics  Policy

How to Apply

Step 1: Complete the Certification Application Form

Step 2: Submit a NCCPSS certificate verifying the completion of 50 hours of approved training, along with 20 hours of additional training.

Step 3: Submit the required documents:

Step 4: Submit $20 Application Fee

  • Pay online (login and/or registration is required)
  • Send check or money order payable to PSS-BHS

Step 5: Submit all required documents and completed Application Entry Form

Peer Support Services for individuals in various stages of personal recovery are located across the state of North Carolina. These services include:

  • Crisis response through mobile outreach programs, 988, and the Peer Warmline

  • Post-crisis services such as referrals for follow-up care

  • Assistance transitioning back into the community, including individuals leaving incarceration

  • Free Walk-in Centers and Peer Living Rooms for a place to chat or just to, get away for the day and receive support

  • Peer Run Respite Homes, provide a safe place for short-term stays when someone needs a nurturing environment

  • Daily services for mental health and substance use to reach your recovery goals 

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