Rural Health Information Technology and Telehealth Program
What We Do
The Health Information Technology & Telehealth (HITT) Team at the Office of Rural Health (ORH) strives to assist ORH grantees and safety net partners with using Health Information Technology & Telehealth (HITT) to help improve patient care.
Rural Health Information Technology & Telehealth (HITT) Program Profile
Rural Health Information Technology & Telehealth (HITT) Team Service Area Coverage Map
The Health Information Technology & Telehealth (HITT) works directly with the North Carolina Safety Net to assess needs and provide technical assistance throughout the state to improve the use of Electronic Health Records, Telehealth, and the use of NC HealthConnex, the state designated health information exchange.
Telehealth Technical Assistance
Getting Started with Telehealth
1 - Assess – What does my organization need to get started with Telehealth amid COVID-19? Quick Start Guide
2 - Implement – How does my organization successfully implement Telehealth?
Here are a few free or low cost vendor options that we are aware of.
3 - Monitor and Improve – What can my organization do to monitor our telehealth effectiveness and improve?
4 - Additional Resources
- NC DHHS Telehealth
- Broadband Resources
- Community Care of North Carolina
- NC Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
- HITEQ Center
Other Resources
NC HealthConnex
Telehealth Playbook
March 18th ORH + AHEC Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Webinar
April 15th ORH + AHEC Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Webinar
Remote Patient Monitoring Tip Sheet
Essential Steps to Telehealth Workshops to Help Improve or Sustain Your Program
Grant Opportunities
North Carolina EHR Funding Program for Behavioral Health/IDD Providers
Telehealth Funding Opportunities
Office of Rural Health
2009 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699
Eric Bell, Manager
Rural Health Information Technology
Sebastian Gimenez
Rural Health Information Technology