NCDHHS-Division of Social Services is pleased to announce the redesign of the Child Welfare Education Collaborative (CWEC). Effective July 1, 2024, affiliated CWEC Schools of Social Work will offer the redesigned DHHS Child Welfare Pre-Service Training (PST) curriculum to Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work students who aspire to a career in child welfare. CWEC is an investment in the child welfare workforce.  Established in 1999, CWEC has prepared over 1500 highly qualified child welfare social workers across the state.  CWEC graduates have higher retention rates than other newly hired child welfare workers and tend to advance to leadership positions. 

CWEC’s mission is to strengthen the public child welfare workforce in North Carolina, thus, improving outcomes for families and children. 

Case for Change
There is currently a national child welfare workforce crisis that is impacting North Carolina and the ability of local agencies to recruit and retain qualified staff. CWEC expands recruitment to public universities and demonstrates collective responsibility for a dedicated and well-trained child welfare workforce. CWEC graduates are highly valuable components of the recruitment pipeline as their training enables them to assume duties at the point of hiring.

Reestablishing the stipend component of the CWEC program is one strategy identified in the 2020-2024 Child and Family Services Plan to help North Carolina overcome current workforce challenges. The stipend covers tuition and fees for CWEC students. In lieu of repayment, students commit to working in a county DSS for a specified period of time. Three Schools of Social Work BSW programs have agreed to participate in the 2025 Innovation Zone to administer student stipends. 

Affiliated Schools of Social Work
Appalachian State University*
Barton College
Bennett College
Campbell University**
East Carolina University*
Elizabeth City State University**
Fayetteville State University
Johnson C. Smith University
Mars Hill University
Methodist University
NC A&T State University*
NC Central University**
NC State University
Shaw University**
UNC Chapel Hill**
UNC Charlotte
UNC Greensboro
UNC Pembroke**
UNC Wilmington**
Western Carolina
*Stipend Innovation Zone Spring 2025  **Inactive for academic year 2024-2025

If you are interested in becoming a CWEC Scholar or an affiliated School of Social work, please email  us for more information.
NC Child Welfare Education Collaborative
820 S. Boylan Avenue, McBryde Building
Mail Service Center 2412
Raleigh, NC 27699-2412

CWEC Manual
Education and Training Opportunities
CWEC Student Application Submissions

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