Civil Rights

Nondiscrimination Statements and Multilingual Language Notices

Nondiscrimination StatementsNC DHHS Multilingual Language Notice
የማዳላት ተግባርን ላለመፈጸም የወጣ መግለጫ - Amharicባለብዙ ቋንቋ ማስታወቂያ - Amharic
تصريح عدم التمييز - Arabicمتعدد اللغات إشعار وشعار - Arabic
非歧视声明 - Chinese Simplified多语言通知和标语 - Chinese Simplified
非歧視聲明 - Chinese Traditional多語言通知 - Chinese Traditional
Deklarasyon Kont Diskriminasyon - Creole 
Izjava o nediskriminaciji - Croatianvišejezična obavijest - Croatian
میثاق (بیانیه) عدم تبعیض - FarsiFarsi
Déclaration de non-discrimination de l’USDA - Frenchavis multilingue et slogan - French
Antidiskriminierungserklärung des US-Landwirtschaftsministeriums USDA - GermanHinweis & Slogan in mehrsprachiger Sprache - German

ભેદભાવવિનાનું નિવેદન - Gujarati

બહુભાષી ભાષા સૂચના - Gujarati
भेदभाव मुक्‍त संबंधी वक्‍तव्‍य - Hindiबहुभाषी भाषा नोटिस और टैगलाइन - Hindi
Nqe Lus Teev Kev Tsis Kheev Ntxub Ntxaug - HmongDaim Ntawv Ceeb Toom Muaj Ntau Yam Lus - Hmong

差別禁止に関する声明 - Japanese

多言語通知 - Japanese
សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៍ស្តីពីការមិនរើសអើង - Khmerការ​ជូន​ដំណឹង​ជា​ច្រើន​ភាសា និង​ស្លាក​សញ្ញា - Khmer

차별금지 선언문 - Korean

다국어 고지 - Korean
ຖະແຫຼງການບໍ່ເລືອກປະຕິບັດ - Laotianແຈ້ງການຫຼາຍພາສາ - Laotian
Oświadczenie odnośnie niedyskryminacji - Polishzawiadomienie wielojęzyczne - Polish
Declaração de não-discriminação - Portugueseaviso multilíngue - Portuguese
Заявление o недискриминации - Russianмногоязычное уведомление - Russian
Warbixinta Takoor La’aanta - Somaliogeysiis luqado badan ah - Somali
Usted no sera discriminado - Spanishaviso de idioma multilingüe - Spanish

Pahayag ng Walang Diskriminasyon - Tagalog

paunawa sa wikang multilinggwal - Tagalog
ประกาศเก่ ียวกับการไม ่กีดกันเลือกปฏิบัต - Thaiประกาศหลายภาษา - Thai

Заява про недискримінацію - Ukrainian

Повідомлення про багатомовність NC DSS - Ukraine

غیر امتیازی سلوک کے بارے میں بیان - UrduUrdu - کثیر لسانی نوٹس
Tuyên Văn Không Kỳ Thị - Vietnamesethông báo đa ngôn ngữ - Vietnamese

The Division of Social Services and county Departments of Social Services must take reasonable steps to ensure that people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access to the programs, services and information agencies provide. One of the provisions of the Voluntary Compliance Agreement signed with US Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights was that each DSS agency develops a Title VI/LEP compliance plan to address the needs of this ever-growing population of individuals whose primary language is not English. Learn more about Title VI and LEP at

Know Your Rights Brochures


Title VI Complaint Procedure

A customer or client has the right to file a complaint if they think that they were treated unfairly because they do not speak English well. They can file a complaint for themselves or for someone else. Customers or clients may file a complaint using the NC DSS Civil Rights Complaint Form. Please fill out the form and provide a copy to the local county DSS Title VI Compliance Officer.

If a customer or client believes they have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex or religion in programs or activities that the US Department of Health and Human Services (USHHS) directly operates or provides federal financial assistance to, they may file a complaint with the USHHS Office for Civil Rights. A complaint can be filed using the following forms:
USHHS Office of Civil Rights Complaint Form: English
USHHS Office of Civil Rights Complaint Form: Spanish

If a customer or client believes they have experienced discrimination when obtaining services from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), participating in a USDA program or a program that receives financial assistance from the USDA, they may file a complaint with USDA using the following forms:
USDA Civil Rights Complaint Form: English
USDA Civil Rights Complaint Form: Spanish

To protect your rights you must file a complaint within 180 days of the date you believe you or someone else was treated unfairly. If you do not file your complaint within 180 days you may lose your right to file the complaint.

"I Speak" Flashcard - Limited English Proficiency Tool 

Limited English Proficiency Posters for display in County Offices: English VersionSpanish Version