Student Entrance Requirements

Children admitted to the Wright School typically exhibit needs and challenges in every life domain, but specifically in learning and behavior. Some struggle with significant learning needs and previous academic failures.

Other children may be more capable with academics, but struggle with emotional regulation. They may also experience disproportional behavioral responses to unexpected or upsetting life events. Almost all Wright School students struggle with maintaining positive relationships and demonstrating age-appropriate self-control.

All students served at Wright School must:

  • Be approved for admission by their local Managed Care Organization (MCO).
  • Possess verbal reasoning abilities and use language to problem solve (typically a verbal IQ of 70 or above. However, each referral is evaluated comprehensively with IQ considered as only one of many data points).
  • Have an identified family who is: 1) seeking treatment voluntarily and is committed to working for change; 2) understands that their child will return to their home every weekend; 3) willing and able to provide transportation to and from school every week; 4) able to commit to meeting face-to-face with the Wright School treatment team and/or LTC, at least monthly, to work toward making changes in the home that will support the child’s success.

Prior to approval for admission, children with a history of sexual offending are required to have a sex specific risk assessment that states they do not pose a danger to other students in a group care setting. Wright School is not an appropriate treatment program for children requiring sex offender-specific therapy, or who are deemed at high risk to reoffend.

Wright School can serve children with sexually reactive behaviors (i.e., use of explicit sexual language, boundary issues and provocative behavior). However, since they are likely to require their own bedroom, there may be a longer than usual wait time for admission.

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