Mpox Vaccine Locations

Sort the table below by column or use the search field to find your county. You can go to any location, regardless of your county of residence. If your county is not listed, contact the vaccine site that is most convenient for you. 

Please call ahead as appointments are required at most locations, and you may be asked to complete a brief screening to confirm that you meet the current eligibility criteria. Vaccines are free and appointments are confidential. 

County Site Name Vaccination Appointment Phone Number
Forsyth 7 Janeway Tower IM Administration (336) 716-3182
Alamance Alamance County Health Department (336) 570-6459
Alleghany Alleghany County Health Department (336) 372-5641
Mecklenburg Amity Medical Group - Harris (704) 208-4134
Mecklenburg Amity Medical Group- Monroe (704) 930-3848
Forsyth Atrium Health WFB Infectious Diseases (336) 716-3182
Mecklenburg Avance Care Midtown (980) 375-0550
Beaufort Beaufort County Health Department (252) 946-1902
Bertie Bertie County Health Department (252) 794-5322
Bladen Bladen County Health Department (910) 872-6214
Polk Blue Ridge Health- Polk (828) 894-2222
Brunswick Brunswick County Health Services (910) 253-2335
Buncombe Buncombe County Dept of Health (828) 250-5300
Burke Burke County Health Department (828) 764-9150
Burlington Burlington Community Health Center (336) 506-5840
Cabarrus Cabarrus Health Alliance (704) 920-1218
Caldwell Caldwell County Health Department (828) 426-8400
Camden Camden County Health Department (252) 338-4460
Caromont Caromont Family Medicine Cramerton (704) 825-4750
Carteret Carteret County Health Department (252) 728-8550
Catawba Catawba County Public Health (828) 695-5800
Chatham Chatham County Health Department (919) 742-5641
Cherokee Cherokee County Health Department (828) 837-7486
Chowan Chowan County Health Department (252) 482-6003
Clay Clay County Health Department (828) 389-8053
Cleveland Cleveland County Health Department (980) 484-5100
Columbus Columbus County Health Department (910) 640-6615
Davidson Cotton Grove Family Medicine (336) 242-1228
Craven Craven County Health Department (252) 636-4920
Cumberland Cumberland County Health Department (919) 433-3600
Currituck Currituck County Health Department (252) 232-2271
Currituck Currituck Internal Medicine & Family Practice (252) 435-6621
Mecklenburg CW Williams Community Health Center (704) 393-7720
Dare Dare County Health Department (252) 475-5003
Davidson Davidson County Health Department (336) 242-2510
Durham Duke Clinic (Duke patients only) Contact Your PCP
Duplin Duplin County Health Department (910) 372-9150
Durham Durham County Dept of Public Health (919) 560-9217
Mecklenburg Eastowne Family Physicians, PA (704) 532-4567
Pitt ECU Adult Speciality Care (252) 744-4500
Pitt ECU Health Internal Medicine 1-855-698-4326
Pitt ECU Student Health Service (252) 328-6841
Mecklenburg Ella B Scarborough Community Resource Center (704) 336-6500
Catawba Fairgrove Primary Health (828) 326-2145
Moore FirstHealth Infectious Diseases Clinic (910) 715-5481
Forsyth Forsyth County Dept of Public Health (336) 703-3100
Edgecombe Freedom Hill Community Health Center (252) 641-0514
Mecklenburg Gaffney Health Services (704) 566-6332
Gaston Gaston County Health Department (704) 862-5303
Gates Gates County Health Department (252) 357-1380
Wake Glenwood South Pharmacy (919) 856-9502
Granville Granville County Health Department (919) 693-2141
Guilford Guilford County Health Department (336) 641-3245
Halifax Halifax County Health Department (252) 583-5021
Harnett Harnett County Health Department (910) 893-7550
Nash Harvest Family Health Center (252) 443-7744
Haywood Haywood Health and Human Services (828) 452-6675
Henderson Henderson County Department of Public Health (828) 694-6015
Hertford Hertford County Health Department (252) 862-4054
Hyde Hyde County Health Department (252) 926-4399
Iredell Iredell County Health Department (704) 878-5300
Jackson Jackson County Department of Public Health (828) 586-8994
Johnston Johnston County Health Department (919) 989-5200
Jones Jones County Health Department (252) 448-9111
Hoke Karen L. Smith MD, PA (910) 904-1695
Gaston Kintegra Adult and Pediatric Medicine - Xray (704) 874-3316
Lee Lee County Health Dept (919) 718-4640
Lenoir Lenoir County Health Department (252) 526-4200
Mecklenburg Levine Children's Specialty Center (704) 381-8840
Lincoln Lincoln Community Health Center (919) 956-4140
Durham Lincoln Community Health Center Primary Care Clinic @ DCoDPH (919) 560-7726
Lincoln Lincoln County Health Department (704) 735-3001
Madison Madison County Health Department (828) 649-3531
Cabarrus McGill Family Medicine (704) 792-2242
Mecklenburg Mecklenburg County Health Department- BEATTIES FORD RD (704) 336-6500
Mecklenburg Mecklenburg County Health Department- BILLINGSLEY RD (704) 336-6500
Buncombe Mission Infectious Disease Associates (828) 213-7660
Montgomery Montgomery County Health Department (910) 572-1393
Moore Moore County Health Department (910) 947-3300
Buncombe Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) (828) 257-4730
Buncombe Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)- Biltmore (828) 257-4400
Nash Nash County Health Department (252) 459-9819
Nash Nash County Health Department - Rocky Mount (252) 446-0027
Guilford NC A&T Student Health Center (336) 334-7880
Wake NC State University Campus Health (919) 515-2563
New Hanover New Hanover County Health Department* (910) 798-6800
Durham North Carolina Central University Student Health Center (919) 530-5485
Northampton Northampton County Health Department (252) 534-5841
Mecklenburg Northwest Family Physicians (704) 926-7800
Mecklenburg Novant Health Infectious Disease Specialists, Charlotte (704) 316-5330
Rowan Novant Health Infectious Disease Specialists, Rowan (704) 638-0336
New Hanover Novant Health Infectious Disease Specialists, Wilmington (910) 662-9300
Forsyth Novant Health Infectious Disease Specialists, Winston-Salem (336) 718-0440
Mecklenburg Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic- Freedom (980) 302-9405
Mecklenburg Novant Health Midtown Family Medicine (704) 384-7980
Guilford Novant Health New Garden Medical Associates (336) 288-8857
Mecklenburg Novant Health Steelecroft Primary Care (704) 316-2080
New Hanover Novant Infectious Disease Specialists (910) 662-9300
Onslow Onslow County Human Service Agency (910) 347-2154
Nash Opportunities Industrialization Center of Rocky Mount (252) 210-9019
Orange Orange County Southern Human Services Center- Chapel Hill (919) 245-2343
Orange Orange County Health Department (919) 245-2400
Orange Orange County Southern Human Services Center (919) 245-2343
Pamlico Pamlico County Health Department (252) 745-5111
Pasquotank Pasquotank County Health Department (252) 338-4400
Mecklenburg PCNC/Primary Care (704) 896-3313
Pender Pender County Health Department (910) 259-1230
Perquimans Perquimans County Health Department (252) 426-2100
Pitt Pitt County Health Department (252) 902-2300
Randolph Randolph County Public Health (336) 318-6882
Mecklenburg RAO Community Health (704) 237-8793
Wake Reed Family Medicine (919) 578-5525
Guilford Regional Center for Infectious Disease/ Cone Health (336) 832-7840
Richmond Richmond County Health Department (910) 997-8301
Robeson Robeson County Health Department (910) 671-3446
Robeson Robeson Health Care Corporation-Lumberton Health Center (910) 739-1666
Mecklenburg Rosedale Health and Wellness (704) 948-8582
Rowan Rowan County Health Department (704) 216-8863
Halifax Rural Health Group at Halifax Medical Specialists (252) 537-0134
Vance Rural Health Group at Henderson (252) 438-3549
Northampton Rural Health Group at Jackson (252) 534-1661
Sampson Sampson County Health Department (910) 592-1131
Scotland Scotland County Health Department (910) 277-2440
Cumberland Southern Regional AHEC Specialty Clinic (910) 678-7270
Stanly Stanly County Health Department (704) 986-3077
Stanly Stanly County Health Department (704) 982-9171
Mecklenburg StarMed Healthcare (704) 941-6000
Stokes Stokes County Health Department (336) 593-2400
Vance Sunflower Direct Primary Care, PLLC (252) 572-1731
Surry Surry County Health and Nutrition Center (336) 401-8400
Transylvania Transylvania Public Health (828) 884-3135
Orange UNC Chapel Hill Campus Health Services (919) 966-2281
Mecklenburg UNC Charlotte Student Health Center (704) 687-7400
Orange UNC Infectious Diseases Clinic (984) 974-7198
Union Union County Health Department (704) 296-4420
Mecklenburg Valerie C Woodard Community Resource Center (704) 336-6500
Vance Vance County Health Department (252) 492-7915
Mecklenburg VaxClinic (704) 755-5656
Wake Wake County Human Services (919) 212-9398
Watauga Watauga County Health Department (828) 264-4995
Wilkes Wilkes County Health Department (336) 651-7450
Wilson Wilson Community Health Center (252) 243-9800
Wilson Wilson County Health Department (252)-363-4337
Union Wingate University Health Center (704) 233-8102
Buncombe WNC Community Health Services (828) 285-0622
Forsyth WSSU Wellness Center-Student Health (336) 750-3301

This page was last modified on 12/19/2024