eWIC for Families

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The North Carolina WIC Program uses an electronic benefit transfer system (eWIC) for WIC benefit issuance. The Local WIC Agency issues the WIC food benefits for a participant into an electronic benefit account. Families then use their eWIC card and PIN to access their food benefits at the grocery store. 

North Carolina eWIC

  • Starting September 15th, 2024, when accessing ebtEDGE, users will be required to provide an additional security code or answer a challenge question alongside their regular password. For more detailed information on MFA visit Cardholder Portal MFA Login Guide.
  • Starting on 9/10/23, register your eWIC card on ebtEDGE! You can check your WIC food benefit balance, set your PIN or replace your eWIC card.
  • To set up your account on ebtEDGE:
    • Use the ebtEDGE mobile app. Download for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.
    • Visit www.ebtedge.com and go to the Cardholder Login link.
    • Or call the eWIC customer service toll-free at 1-844-230-0813.
    • If you receive FNS/SNAP you may already have an account! On 9/10/23 you will be able to add your WIC card to your ebtEDGE account.

NC eWIC Materials

ebtEDGE App Handout for NC eWIC | ebtEDGE para NC WIC: A step-by-step guide on setting up the ebtEDGE app for NC WIC participants.

Using Your NC eWIC Card | Cómo usar su tarjeta eWIC de Carolina del Norte: A brochure with specific information to get started using the NC eWIC card.

NC eWIC TIPS Card | Cómo usar su tarjeta eWIC de Carolina del Norte: A card with general tips on using the NC eWIC card.

NC WIC Program Shopping Guide (English) | NC WIC Program Shopping Guide (Español)

How to Create an Email an Account: A Step-By-Step Guide

Reading Your eWIC Receipt | Cómo leer su recibo eWIC: A guide to understanding the eWIC receipt.

See a list of North Carolina authorized WIC vendors.

Questions about eWIC? Please contact your local agency.

NC eWIC card
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