School Nutrition Consultation and Support


Good nutrition improves children's health, learning potential, test scores and school attendance.  Healthy nutrition contributes to decreasing the risks of today's leading health problems and supporting students with existing chronic health conditions.  Schools are vitally important settings to promote and provide good nutrition and nutrition interventions through a comprehensive approach to school health using the CDC Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model.  Schools should provide students and staff with access to healthy foods and beverages, consistent messages about nutrition, and opportunities to learn about and practice healthy eating. Working in partnership with community partners, together they can help make the healthier choice the easier choice for school-age children and their families while at school and throughout their communities. 


The Nutrition Program Consultant in the Whole Child Health Section (WCHS) engages in cross-agency partnerships, training and technical assistance to advance the continuum of school and community health through nutrition and physical activity.   

As part of the School, Adolescent and Child Health Unit within WCHS, the Nutrition Program Consultant works with Regional School Nurse Consultants, the School Health Centers Consultant, the Behavioral Health Clinical Consultant and Child Health Consultants to ensure up to date, evidence-based nutrition services and practices are being used and integrated in policies, programs, trainings and guidance.   



For more information about this service contact: Whole Child Health Section, 919-707-5600 

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