State Rehabilitation Council Membership

NC State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) members are appointed to three-year terms by one of three authorities: Governor, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 

Council members are selected to represent a diverse array of vocational rehabilitation (VR) service system stakeholders, including consumers, counselors, self-advocates with a cross-section of physical, cognitive, sensory and mental disabilities and advocates for people with disabilities who are unable to represent themselves due to their disability. Additionally, at least one member is selected to represent the following entities on the council:


State Rehabilitation Council Membership.
Council MembersCityRepresents
Michael Maybee, ChairBooneLabor
Anne MonterossoRaleighState Education Agency
Clare "Ping" MillerRaleighNC Chamber of Commerce
Derek Burress, Vice Chair Snow HillDisability Advocacy Groups
Beth Voll ConcordParent Training and Information Centers
Emma FriesenDurhamDisability Advocacy Groups
Chelsea PinneoMaple HillEIPD Consumers
Celeste HuntMaxtonDirector of Projects under Section 121
Kathie SmithRaleighDivision Director, EIPD Ex-Officio Member
Berlina “Yvette” GermanRaleighDepartment of Commerce, Workforce Solutions
Tracey CravenGrahamProviders of Community Rehabilitation Programs
Gloria GartonWilmingtonStatewide Independent Living Council
James JonesFayettevilleRegional Rehabilitation Centers for Physically Disabled
Dr. Yolanda EdwardsWinston SalemNon-Divisional Rehabilitation Counselors
David DysonGreensboroDisability Advocacy Groups
Vacant Disability Advocacy Groups
Aparna SudhiniCary Business and Industry


SRC Subcommittees

  • The Executive Committee is responsible for compiling the council’s response to the Unified State Plan and triennial Comprehensive Needs Assessment, preparing the annual report, establishing meeting agendas and setting the general direction of the council and its committees.
  • The Consumer Input and Public Outreach Committee reviews, analyzes and makes recommendations to the council regarding the effectiveness of VR delivered by the division and other public and private agencies in the state. The committee also gathers information using the consumer satisfaction survey, public forums and feedback from the NC Client Assistance Program.
  • The Policy and Rules Review Committee makes recommendations related to division policy and procedures that impact the public, are subject to public rule-making hearings under NC’s Administrative Procedures Act and are required for WIOA compliance.
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