Critical Time Intervention

Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is an intensive 9 month case management model designed to assist adults age 18 years and older with mental illness who are going through critical transitions and who have functional impairments which preclude them from managing their transitional needs adequately. CTI promotes a focus on recovery, psychiatric rehabilitation and bridges the gap between institutional living and community services. CTI differs from traditional case management because it is time limited, focused and follows a three phased approach.

Individuals receiving CTI are navigating a critical transition and are not connected to other community based services currently meeting their clinical needs. 

Critical transitions include the following:

  • Discharge from psychiatric inpatient settings
  • Release from correctional settings
  • Transition out of foster care settings into adult services
  • Transition from homelessness into housing
  • Transition from highly structured residential settings, such as adult care homes, into independent living

Helpful Links

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: State-Funded CTI Service Definition
Center for the Advancement of Critical Time Intervention – Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College