Health Equity Call for Action
The Office of Health Equity (OHE) has created several plans and models for its health equity programs and projects. The OHE encourages everyone to prioritize health equity in all initiatives and believes that together, we can build a healthier North Carolina for all. The resources listed on this page have been developed by the OHE and can be used by anyone as a framework for creating inclusive teams, projects, programs, and organizations both within NCDHHS and by anyone outside of NCDHHS looking to focus on health equity in their work.
NCDHHS Health Equity Governance Model and Framework
OHE has created the below Health Equity framework to catalyze action for organizations looking to put health equity at the center of their work. This framework puts communities at the center and lists concrete steps for organizations to take to ensure health equity is at the center of all work. See an example of the governance model in action.
NC Health Equity Framework
The images below represent the NCDHHS Health Equity framework that promotes a whole person-centered approach in the elimination of health inequities and disparities for North Carolinians

NCDHHS Health Equity Governance Model
An effective Health Equity Governance Model will allow for more meaningful collaboration within and across DHHS Divisions as well as deeper engagement with the public health ecosystem.