NCDHHS Communicable Disease Branch Corrections Team Unit

What We Do

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Corrections Unit is a time-limited, grant-funded initiative to serve as a resource to correctional entities and their partners, assist in infectious disease prevention and control, and provide statewide support to ensure the health and well-being of detained and incarcerated persons in the state of North Carolina.

Corrections Unit Materials

Jail Health Toolkit

*Please note a correction on page 11, the first line of the Exercise section. It previously read "After the 1 day of confinement". The correction has been made to "After the fourteenth day of confinement". We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

The Jail Health Toolkit and Appendix are designed to be a resource for administrators and stakeholders of health services within North Carolina's local detention centers. Resources available to local detention centers are few and not widely publicized. With intent, this toolkit can generate conversation and information sharing among detention center staff who provide medical services to the justice-involved population. Although most of the content is aimed at local jails, portions of the document and resources can be utilized for corrections as a whole. This document is not meant to be all-inclusive or a step-by-step guide. Rather, it is a basic resource on standards, requirements and some fundamental areas of jail healthcare. For each topic chosen, collaborators worked to provide key points, resources and local examples (when possible).


Guidance and Education Materials

The web version is best for electronic viewing and printing on an office printer for small numbers. Print resources are best utilized for commercial printing only.

Quick Reference Booklets for Staff

2 1/2" x 4" Pocket Booklet for staff to use as a quick reference for medical and mental health emergencies. Each booklet includes the topics of opioid overdose, stimulant overamping, withdrawal, COVID prevention strategies, COVID signs & symptoms, mental health crises & suicide, maternal emergencies, and medical emergencies. Information is meant to be a quick resource but does not replace medical evaluation and treatment.

COVID-19 While Incarcerated: How to Protect Yourself Brochure

This brochure can be used as a part of intake education and provides detainees with practical tips to protect themselves from COVID-19 while incarcerated.

COVID-19 While Incarcerated: The Basics Brochure

This brochure can also be used during intake education. It provides detainees with the basics, such as signs, symptoms, and myths of COVID-19.

NC Law and Rules

General Statute

Administrative Code

Resource Organizations

North Carolina Sheriffs Association
North Carolina Jail Administrators Association
National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC)
American Correctional Association (ACA)
NCCA Online
National Institute of Corrections | National Institute of Corrections

Officer Wellness Resources

National Institute of Corrections: Wellness for Corrections and Supervision Professionals
NC Law Enforcement Assistance Program
American Jail Association Staff Wellness: Fit for Duty: Tips for Starting a Wellness Program


NCDHHS CDB Corrections Team
225 N McDowell St
Cooper Building
Raleigh, NC 27699

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