DSS Contact Information
Please Note: If you have concerns about the possible abuse or neglect of a child, please contact your local county department of social services and ask for a CPS intake worker. Find a listing of all 100 county departments of social services. Emailing us is an efficient and easy way to get the information you need promptly. If you have a request for information or would like to send general comments, please send us an email at dssweb@dhhs.nc.gov. It is our division policy to respond to all emails within five business days.
Program/Service | Phone Number |
Adoption Assistance/ICAMA | 919-527-6370 |
Adoption Review and Indexing | 919-527-6370 |
Child Support Enforcement | 919-855-4755 |
Child Welfare Policy (including Child Protective Services, Foster Care, and Adoption) | 919-527-6340 |
Child Welfare Customer Service | 919-527-6340 |
Community Child Protection Teams | 919-527-6430 |
Crisis Intervention | 919-527-6300 |
Domestic Violence | 919-527-6430 |
Emergency Assistance | 919-527-6300 |
Energy Assistance | 919-527-6300 |
Food and Nutrition Services | 1-866-719-0141 |
Fraud Reporting | 1-866-719-0141 |
Hearing and Appeals | 919-855-3260 |
Independent Living Program for Foster Children (NC LINKS) | 919-527-6351 |
Interstate Compacts, International Adoptions and Private Adoptions | 919-527-6390 |
Interpreting Services | 919-527-6420 |
Licensing Child Placing Agency Family Foster Homes Maternity Homes Residential Child Care Homes | 1-828-232-3160 |
Performance Management/Reporting and Evaluation Management | 919-527-6260 |
Refugee Assistance | 919-527-6300 |
Social Services Commission | 919-527-6420 |
Work First Benefit Diversion Work First Services Work First Family Assistance | 919-527-6300 |