Social Services Commission
The Social Services Commission (SSC) is the body that develops administrative rules for the Division of Social Services, part of the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The commission is a statutorily-based body, established by G.S. 143B-153. The commission has the authority to establish rules for the following:
- Public assistance with the exception of medical assistance.
- Placement and supervision of delinquent children and payment of necessary costs of foster home care for needy and homeless children.
- Payment of state funds to private child-placing agencies and residential child care facilities for care and services provided to children in the custody or placement responsibility of a county department of social services.
- Social services programs established by federal legislation.
- Implementation of portions of Title XX of the Social Security Act.
- Inspection and licensing of maternity homes.
- Inspection and operation of jails and local confinement facilities.
- Rules required by the federal government for social services grants-in-aid.
Staff support for the commission is provided by the direction of the Secretary of DHHS. The division provides technical, clerical, logistical and other support for the work of the commission. The Attorney General's Office serves as legal counsel to the commission.
Commission Members
Contact Information
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Social Services
Social Services Commission
Staff Support for the Social Services Commission
Division of Social Services
Social Services Commission
Danielle Upchurch
2401 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, ,NC 27699-2401
Division of Social Services
Social Services Commission
Paris Penny
2401 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2401
Child Welfare Services Constituent Concerns Office
The Constituent Concerns Office responds to questions, concerns, complaints, and general questions about Child Welfare Services within North Carolina and the role of the county/local Department of Social Services (DSS) in child welfare matters. If you have any questions about the involvement of DSS and the provision of child welfare services with your family or someone you know, you may contact this office at 919.527.6340 or email us at
Child Support Services
Child Support Services is responsible for assisting North Carolinians with the collection of child support through state and local offices. Contact the Child Support Services online or by phone at (800) 992-9457.
Food and Nutrition Services EBT Call Center
The North Carolina EBT Call Center for Food and Nutrition Services can be reached at (866) 719-0141. The call center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM and is closed on weekends and holidays. If you need communication assistance or have a disability, you can call the call center at (866) 719-0141 or Relay Services at 711.
File a Complaint Against Local Department of Social Services
A customer or client has the right to file a complaint if they think that they were treated unfairly. They can file a complaint for themselves or for someone else. Customers or clients may file a complaint using the NC DSS Civil Rights Complaint Form. Please fill out the form and provide a copy to the local county DSS Title VI Compliance Officer. To protect your rights, you must file a complaint within 180 days of the date you believe you or someone else was treated unfairly.