HCBS Provider Self-Assessment

As a provider of NC Innovations - Residential Supports, Day Supporfts, and Supported Employment or CAP/DA/CAP CHOICE - Adult Day Health Services and Coordinated Caregiving, an HCBS provider self-assessment must be completed as follows:

  • One per site for residential, day supports, adult day health, coordinated caregiving, and (b)(3) services (Residential and Day Supports)
  • One per corporate site and a minimum of 10 work site assessments or 10% (whichever is greater) during the initial provider self-assessment process (July 15, 2015 - September 15, 2015) for Supported Employment and (b)(3) Supported Employment.
  • One per Corporate Site for new or acquired providers needeing to submit a Supported Employment Corporate Site assessment

*Note, providers are no longer required to submit a provider self-assessment for any new Supported Employment work sites. Supported Employment should only be provided in competitive, integrated settings and therefore, new supported employment work sites should meet such requirements.

Statewide Assessment

Access the Assessment 

The HCBS Provider Self-Assessment is a site review of the following services:

  • NC Innovations: Day Supports, Residential Supports, Supported Employment
  • Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults: Adult Day Health and Coordinated Caregiving
  • (b)(3) Services (Residential, Day Supports, and Supported Employment)

Assessment Companion 

Statewide Training Document

Statewide Self-Assessment Combined Q&A 

DHHS recommends utilizing the Assessment Companion and the Statewide Training document as resources when completing the HCBS Provider Self-Assessment.

Please note, the HCBS Provider Self-Assessment is a site assessment only and questions should be answered specific to the site and not the individual(s) served. No ePHI should be entered on the HCBS Provider Self-Assessment.

If there are questions or feedback regarding the completion of the HCBS Provider Self - Assessment, contact the responsible LME-MCO or Local Lead Agency for technical assistance.

Leasing/Tenant Law Resources

HCBS Provider Self-Assessment Pilot

HCBS Provider Pilot Self-Assessment was conducted March 17, 2015 – June 30, 2015

FAQs from the Pilot May 8 – 24, 2015