Financial Management Claims Recordkeeping Closeout Documents Budgets Regulations Tab/Accordion Items Claims Modification to Existing Supplier RecordsClaim Submission 60-Day Deadlines 2024Supplier Electronic Payment Form for CACFP Recordkeeping Cash Receipts and Disbursement Journal Monthly Time Sheet Form Weekly Time Sheet Form Closeout Documents Closeout Certification Records Retention Acknowledgement Equipment Property Records Checklist of Closeout Documents – Sponsoring Organizations Checklist of Closeout Documents – Independent Center Budgets Independent Centers 2022-2023 EZ Independent Centers Budget - includes only the required worksheets 2022-2023 Full Independent Centers Budget - includes all required and optional worksheets Sponsoring Organizations 2022-2023 Sponsoring Organization of Affiliated Centers Budget 2022-2023 Sponsoring Organization of Day Care Homes Budget 2022-2023 Sponsoring Organization of Unaffiliated Centers Budget 2022-2023 EZ Sponsored Centers Budget - includes only the required worksheets 2022-2023 Full Sponsored Centers Budget - includes all required and optional worksheets Regulations CACFP Federal Regulations USDA FNS Instruction 796-2 Rev.4: Financial Management - Child and Adult Care Food Program 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administration Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Child and Adult Care Food Program: Meal Pattern Revisions Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010; Final Rule