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For more information on Area Eligibility, see CACFP Policy Memo 04-2017.

At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) – Area Eligibility

Qualifying for Area Eligibility means that the Facility approved to participate in the NC CACFP to provide At-Risk Afterschool Meals is located where the base elementary, middle, or high school has 50% or more of the students qualifying for free and reduced-price meals for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). 

The CACFP cannot accept CEP data for area eligibility. Please see the linked spreadsheet listing Free and Reduced-Price Meal percentages for each school separated by district. At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) facilities within the school’s attendance area are Area Eligible if the percentage listed is 50% or more.

Individual school data must be used to determine Area Eligibility, even if the school is participating in CEP as part of a group or district. This information is provided in the documents below.

For more information see CACFP Policy Memo 04-2017.

FY 2024-2025 Area Eligibility Data for At-Risk Afterschool Meal (ARAM) Programs

FY 2023-2024 Area Eligibility Data for At-Risk Afterschool Meal (ARAM) Programs

Day Care Homes – Area Eligibility

CACFP Day Care Homes can use the Area Eligibility Data for ARAM above or they can use the USDA mapping tool linked below.

Area Eligibility for Day Care Homes - Mapping Tool (Not for ARAM)

This map displays census data and can be used for tiering of participating CACFP Day Care Homes and eligibility of SFSP summer sites. This tool is not for At-Risk Afterschool Meal Programs.

For more information see Policy Memo 20-01: Area Eligibility in the Child Nutrition Programs

  • Building for the Future Poster
  • Building for the Future Pamphlet 
  • WIC Brochure Requisition Form
    • The .dot file (for computers with Microsoft Word) will allow you to type your answers in the form, save the form and either email, fax or mail it back to our office.
    • The .pdf file (for computers without Microsoft Word) will allow you to print the file, write your answers on the form and then either fax or mail it back to our office.
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