School Food Authority- At Risk Afterschool Meals (SFA-ARAM)

Tab/Accordion Items

  • Who Qualifies 
    School Food Authorities in good standing with their participation in the National School Lunch Program qualify for the CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) Program at schools that meet area eligibility requirements

  • Area Eligibility Requirements 
    Schools that have greater than 50% free or reduced lunch eligibility qualify are area eligible

  • Benefits to Children 
    School Food Authorities (SFAs) can serve supper plus a snack each day during the week to school aged children after school*

  • Menu Requirements  
    SFAs can choose between the NSLP meal pattern and the CACFP meal pattern for the ARAM menus  
    *ARAMs are eligible to serve a meal and a snack on weekends and on non-instructional days during the school’s regular calendar year (i.e., Teacher Workdays, Winter Break, etc.) 

SFAs interested in participating in the CACFP to provide At-Risk Afterschool Meals (ARAM) during their afterschool programs have a streamlined application and participation process. 
To participate the SFA must:
1. Email letting us know of their interest
2. The State agency will provide access to NC CACFP CONNECTS. This is the online system through which institutions apply and file claims 
3. Take CACFP Basics for Sponsoring Organizations and NC CACFP CONNECTS trainings.
4. Complete the streamlined online application in NC CACFP CONNECTS.