Jobseeker Services Overview
We help people overcome disability-related barriers to career success by:
- Assessing skills and abilities
- Exploring interests and aptitudes
- Establishing an employment goal
- Planning and delivering the services and supports that a client needs to achieve their employment goal
If you are at least 14 years old, have a disability and want to go to work, contact the EIPD office near you to speak with an expert and apply for services.
Process and Timeline
Each client has an individualized experience, but all clients will go through the steps outlined below.
- Referral to EIPD for services
- You may be referred by someone you know – a teacher, a medical provider, a counselor – or you can refer yourself by calling a local office and request an intake appointment (may be virtual)
- Apply for services
- Collect any documentation you have to help complete the application, like medical and disability records, education records, work history, and financial situation
- Complete an application during an intake appointment with EIPD staff
- Determine eligibility (up to 60 days from application to eligibility determination)
- If applicant is a social security beneficiary, they are presumed eligible for services
- EIPD must obtain documentation of disability and the barriers to successful employment resulting from the disability
- EIPD reviews existing medical and psychological records
- EIPD refers applicant for medical and/or psychological evaluations as needed
- EIPD requests a work assessment or trial work period if client is at risk of losing a job
- In partnership, client and EIPD choose an employment goal and create a plan to achieve the goal (up to 90 days from eligibility determination)
- EIPD conducts a comprehensive assessment of client needs, skills and abilities to identify a client’s
- Barriers to employment
- Rehabilitation needs
- Depending on the client, this may require vocational evaluations, community-based assessments, and other services
- Using the information from the comprehensive assessment, EIPD and the client will jointly develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) that specifies the services and supports that a client needs to achieve their employment goal
- IPE must be in place to receive services
- IPE is revisited annually to ensure client success and progress towards goal
- EIPD conducts a comprehensive assessment of client needs, skills and abilities to identify a client’s
- Case closure
- After plan of services has been implemented, clients will be hired in position that reflects employment goal
- EIPD services continue after a client has been hired
- EIPD will work with client and employer to ensure a good fit
- When client has maintained employment for 90 days, their case is closed with “successful employment outcome”.