Community Crisis Centers near you

If you need to talk to someone right now: Call 988 or text 988. For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 and ask for a CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Officer. They have special training.

Versión en español

Community crisis centers are safe places where you can get help from a licensed clinician, without needing to go to the emergency room. Most centers are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You don’t need an appointment.

There are two kinds of crisis centers where you can go:

  • Behavioral health urgent care centers provide an immediate assessment and short-term care, like a medical urgent care center. If you need longer term care, they can refer you to a facility-based center or other community resources.
  • Facility-based crisis centers are residential centers open to people in crisis. You need to meet certain criteria to be admitted. They are typically for overnight or longer stays.

Enter your city or zip code to find the center closest to you.

Can't find a place nearby? A mobile crisis team can come to you. Or, call or text 988 for more options.

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Community crisis centers offer therapy, counseling, and medication support.

  • Ages 4 and older.
  • No appointment needed.
  • Bring your ID, insurance card (if you have one), and the medications you’re taking.
  • You do not need insurance to receive care. If you have insurance, the facility will take that information for billing. If you have questions, call to ask how much a visit will cost.

Not sure if you should visit a community crisis center, or can't find one near you? Call or text 988.