Topics Related to COVID-19

PRESS RELEASE - A new report showcases how North Carolina supported and invested in its child care programs so they could remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic, preserving the state’s early childhood education infrastructure and setting it apart from other states.
PRESS RELEASE - Everyone 6-months and older should get the fall COVID-19 vaccine with their flu shot. Because the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve, the updated COVID-19 vaccine is designed to match the changed virus and help protect people from serious illness, hospitalization and death.
PRESS RELEASE - During the current period where COVID-19 cases are increasing, treatment is readily available and appropriate for the majority of North Carolinians. Using antiviral treatments reduces the risk of serious illness and preliminary data indicates treatment is associated with reduced risk of developing long-COVID.
PRESS RELEASE - As children across North Carolina head back to school this month, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reminds families that vaccinations are an important part of back-to-school success and overall health and well-being.
PRESS RELEASE - Increases in COVID-19 metrics have been seen in North Carolina and nationally during recent weeks, including in the early warning wastewater monitoring system. North Carolina’s COVID-19 metrics had been trending down throughout 2023 to the lowest levels since the pandemic began. Along with wastewater, increases have been seen in other COVID-19 metrics, including hospital admissions and emergency department visits, according to data on the North Carolina Respiratory Virus Dashboard.
PRESS RELEASE - The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will host a live fireside chat and tele-town hall on Thursday, Aug. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. to discuss substance use, overdose prevention and how we can support teens and young adults in North Carolina.
The U.S. public health emergency that was declared to respond to COVID-19 ends today. North Carolina will continue to distribute the federally funded COVID-19 vaccines and tests for free to individuals who are uninsured while supplies last.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will host a live fireside chat and tele-town hall on Thursday, April 27, from 6 to 7 p.m., to discuss how North Carolinians can access and understand health-related information so they can improve their own health.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will host a live Cafecito and Spanish-language tele-town hall on Wednesday, April 26, from 6 to 7 p.m., to discuss how essential it is for North Carolinians to learn how to access and understand health-related information so they can improve their own health.
Everyone older than six months will now only receive the updated COVID-19 vaccine that protects against more variants of the virus. People age 65 and older and those with a compromised immune system can now receive an additional dose to protect themselves against severe illness from COVID-19.