Innovations Waitlist Dashboard

The NC Innovations Waiver is a federally approved Med1915(c) Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver designed to meet the needs of individuals with Intellectual or Development Disabilities (I/DD) to live in their chosen home and community, rather than in an institutional setting.

NCDHHS is committed to providing access to high-quality services to people with IDD – including those on the Innovations Waitlist. The Innovations Waitlist Dashboard provides a look into who is currently waiting for the Innovations Waiver. Understanding the demographics, current diagnoses, and locality of individuals is the first step in better understanding the needs of individuals on the waitlist.  

While this dashboard provides valuable information, it’s important to recognize that there is still work to be done. The main goal is to ensure that everyone on the waitlist receives the services they need as soon as possible.

NCDHHS will continue to refine the dashboard in future updates – including adding metrics related to services these individuals are currently receiving as well as housing arrangements. For more details on data sources, methodology, and limitations, please refer to the Disclaimers and Notes section below.

Disclaimers and Notes

The data displayed on this dashboard is provided directly from LME/MCOs and reflects a snapshot of a single month in time. NCDHHS has worked extensively to regularly engage with LME/MCOs and Providers through one-on-one technical assistance calls throughout data collection period to ensure accuracy and promote completeness.

General Disclaimers

  1. All numbers reported are based on individuals that are currently active on the waitlist.

  2. To protect individual privacy, data for categories with fewer than 11 people will be displayed as '<11'

  1. This dashboard is not intended to provide insight on when individuals will receive the Innovations Waiver.

Age Disclaimers

  1. Age categories were selected to reflect common developmental stages of life. These groupings are intended to provide insight into different age ranges as they pertain to I/DD diagnoses.

Diagnosis Disclaimers

  1. Each individual may have up to three diagnoses, if an individual had duplicated diagnoses reported, they will only be counted once per individual.

  1. The legend for 'Qualifying I/DD Diagnosis?' only indicates whether a diagnosis meets the criteria for I/DD. It does not reflect whether individuals with that diagnosis qualify for the Innovations Waiver.

  1. 'Not Provided' as a diagnosis indicates that no diagnosis was recorded in the data source and does not imply that the individual is undiagnosed or chose not to share this information. 

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